I want you to turn yourself in.
Can you change your personality significantly? For example, if you are shy, can you turn yourself into an extrovert who never gets stage fright when speaking in public?
Love lives inside of you. If you rely on yourself to fill the empty Spaces, you will take a lot of pressure off of your spouse, which in turn can only enhance the relationship.
Still, by taking proper precautions and arming yourself with the right tools, you can turn the odds in your favor and still accomplish whatever you set out to online, no matter where you are.
Because the more you care about others, I guarantee the more in turn you'll be able to care about yourself.
To tune in to its whisper, you have to turn down the volume in your busy, noisy, complicated life and force yourself to do nothing at all.
In turn, you can infect yourself with these germs by touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Faith is trusting in yourself enough to know that no matter how things turn out, you will make the best of them.
And if you're going to turn that around, you're going to have to start by making some real changes in your life and in yourself.
You also can E-mail the irritating kid your notes, and, in the college bartering system, now he owes you a good turn if you ever happen to miss class yourself.
Once you reached the 6th floor, you were to lock yourself in, turn off the lights and proceed across the floor to the East stairwell, where you would lock those doors working your way down.
You're famous in programming circles. But being famous doesn't necessarily mean you can turn a profit and support yourself.
Turn around, is another starting point, in an Angle, you will find that different yourself!
“They have more of that do-it-yourself energy. ” Mr Jones and his partner, Ann, often put all their belongings behind a black curtain in their loft on Bogart Street and turn it into a gallery。
“他们也更像有精力自己去动手,”(注3) Jones先生和他的搭档安,经常把他们所有的财物放在Bogart街他们阁楼后面的黑色幕布后,然后就变成了一间画廊。
By better understanding your dreams, in turn you will be able to better understand yourself.
If this happens at night, yell for protection if you awaken, turn on a light, surround yourself in white light and demand they leave.
At this point, you probably wrap yourself in your thickest blanket and turn up the heating pad.
A hopeful, optimistic outlook is probably something you would advise to someone else in your situation, so why not turn the tables and try it yourself.
Remind yourself that the goal of conversation is not merely to trade words, but to truly understand what the other party is saying and to be understood in turn.
When you turn on your antennae to be mindful of signals in the energy field around you, you'll be in a better position whether you're working for someone else or for yourself.
The danger in this type of response is that if your anger isn't allowed outward expression, it can turn inward - on yourself.
You were walking in a nameless street by yourself without a smell of loneliness, as if you should stay only with yourself, anyone along with you would turn out to be unwanted.
Never change yourself in exchange for love from someone, who would turn out to be no match for you if you did.
Or , turn off the television entirely and engage in exercise or other activities that increase a positive feeling about yourself .
Confidence starts in the mind. What you think of yourself very much influences the way you feel about yourself. This, in turn, affects the way you speak and act.
Confidence starts in the mind. What you think of yourself very much influences the way you feel about yourself. This, in turn, affects the way you speak and act.