Suppose you're working on an application that holds two tables: One maps an employee name to a serial number and the other maps the serial number to a salary.
This curriculum of one to two day courses forms the backbone of the training initiative, with training road maps for the different roles.
Google has two goals with social media: One is to slow the momentum of Facebook; the other is to use data from Google + to improve things like search, maps, and ads.
谷歌的社交媒体业务有两个目标:一方面是遏制Facebook的发展势头;另一方面则是利用Google +收集的数据来改善谷歌的搜索、地图服务和广告等业务。
Two business object maps, one that invokes the dynamic relationship to perform a transformation on the id property and another business graph map that calls the business object map.
The get_user function maps to one of two internal functions.
The get_user function maps to one of two internal functions.