Ulrich Mueller of Maryland and his colleagues genetically screened 862 different types of fungi taken from ants' nests.
Ulrich was proud to contribute to that goal.
We continued our walk in the small town St. Ulrich.
"The Czar wants a military alliance with England," Ulrich told Feliks.
Ulrich was deeply impressed by the Chinese nation, people and culture.
Such objections are mostly nonsense, says Ulrich muller of CHE, a think-tank.
Ulrich, D. Human Resource Champions. Harvard Business School Press, 1997.
Ulrich Reithofer combines gold and glass shards in a necklace (pictured below).
Ulrich Geldmacher visited China Ceramics Museum at a common day on 2008 at first time.
Our route began with walking through a few streets of St. Ulrich, a small tourist town.
Ulrich Hackenberg, director of the research department of VW, terms e-vehicle technology as a fraud.
Bernd Ulrich, in Die Zeit, a highbrow weekly newspaper, identified several reasons for western gratitude.
"Customers can choose between a wide range of sensors," Fraunhofer Institute's Dr. Ulrich Reiser tells us.
But in 2000, writes his grandson, Ulrich Hoerni, the family decided that it should be released to the public.
Ulrich Reuter is part owner of an engineering firm that was building a water reservoir and cell phone towers in Libya.
Unification led to an "economic cleansing" of the west, argues Ulrich Blum of the Institute for economic Research in Halle.
Lars Ulrich of heavy metal band Metallica performs at the Rock in Rio Music Festival in Rio DE Janeiro September 25, 2011.
Dr. William Harbaugh and Dr. Ulrich Mayr used brain imaging to monitor subjects as they donated money to an Oregon food bank.
“If you are able to read the words of a poem, you haven’t necessarily also understood its meaning,” mused Ulrich Wiechers, the presiding judge.
主审法官Ulrich Wiechers沉思着说“你能够阅读诗歌,没必要非得同时懂得诗的意思。”
Dr Ulrich Leisinger of the International Mozarteum Foundation believes that the two pieces were composed by Mozart and then transcribed by his father.
Dave Ulrich (born 1954) represents one of the biggest shifts in corporate focus in the last years of the 20th century and the first years of the 21st.
Ulrich says they must "grasp and master the concept of value". People in HR departments have too little understanding of how a business actually works.
'Miuccia and Bertelli are both very passionate about art,' says Hans Ulrich Obrist, director of international projects at the Serpentine Gallery in London.
“缪西娅和贝尔泰利都对艺术抱有很大的热情,”伦敦蛇形画廊(Serpentine Gallery)国际项目负责人汉斯·尤利斯•奥布里·斯特(HansUlrich Obrist)表示。
Unfortunately, primary prevention trials that start in childhood would be lengthy, expensive, and logistically nearly impossible, "said Ulrich and Potter."
"This is what we call self-mobilization of society," said Hans-Ulrich Thamer, one of three curators to assemble the exhibit at the German Historical Museum.
“这就是所谓的社会自发参与性。”汉斯·乌尔里奇·萨默尔(Hans -Ulrich Thamer)评价道,他是这次德国历史博物馆展览的三位筹办人之一。
The number of school-leavers has fallen by half in east Brandenburg since 2004, says Ulrich Lehmann, head of training at the local chamber of industry and commerce.
The number of school-leavers has fallen by half in east Brandenburg since 2004, says Ulrich Lehmann, head of training at the local chamber of industry and commerce.