Leslie Ralph is a clinical psychologist and counselor at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
莱丝莉·拉尔夫(Leslie Ralph)是图森市亚利桑那大学的一位临床心理学家和心理顾问。
"Life on Earth has radiated into every conceivable - and in some cases almost inconceivable - ecological niche," says Chris Impey of the University of Arizona in Tucson, US.
“地球上的生命已经涉足所有可想象的——某些情况下几乎不可想象的——生态环境。”美国图森市亚利桑那州大学的Chris Impey说。
Showing exactly how and where the great man erred is the task of the scientists who gathered at the "Rethinking Gravity" conference at the University of Arizona in Tucson this week.
The findings challenge the traditional textbook view that the main job of the hippocampus is to encode new memories, says Lynn Nadel, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
The University of Arizona, Tucson, which operates HiRISE, has just released a new batch of these photos taken in the last several months.
The University of Arizona, Tucson, which operates HiRISE, has just released a new batch of these photos taken in the last several months.