As good as the idea sounds, you won't be able to use your iPhone or iPad as a remote for the Apple TV (not yet, at least).
When Apple first launched the iPhone in 2007, had there been a great, lightweight version of Flash for mobile devices, I bet that Apple would have almost been forced to use it.
But imagine the potential if Apple could build a biometrics API that could allow other applications on the PC and Mac to use the iPhone as second factor, biometric security device.
So there you have it. You can use any mobile app you like on AT&T—unless it is an iPhone app (that’s been rejected by Apple).
Apple CEO Steve Jobs referred an email asking about iPhone use at Microsoft to a spokeswoman, who declined to comment.
苹果公司首席执行长乔布斯(Steve Jobs)将有关微软员工使用iPhone的问询电邮转交该公司发言人处理,该发言人拒绝置评。
Apple super designer Jonathan Ive will come to your house and teach you how to use the new iPhone.
Apple had a robust earnings report for the fourth quarter thanks in good part to sales of the iPhone to people who use it for work.
Why not use the iPhone interface as the basis for a new round of Apple computers?
When Apple licensed Microsoft's ActiveSync for use in iPhone OS, it also licensed it for use in Mac OS X (although this wasn't disclosed initially).
Apple has added the new notification Center to iOS 5 that allows user to use a drop-down shade from the top of the iPhone, much like the Android notification bar.
Regulators in Brazil have ruled that the technology company Apple doesn't have exclusive rights to use the iPhone trademark in the country.
Regulators in Brazil have ruled that the technology company Apple doesn't have exclusive rights to use the iPhone trademark in the country.