I think the product free, value-added service charges is one way.
From October 2008, the Web site began to charge individual customers for value-added service.
To this end, we put in place an advanced quality assurance system and value-added service program.
As customers gain more power, they will demand more tailoring and value-added service to meet their needs.
This company is engaged in services and so on communications equipment sale and handset value-added service.
The design principle and implementation method of the SP's short message value-added service were described.
With the development of mobile phone value-added service, payment with mobile phone has become a popular mode.
Telecom value-added service providers are also expected to see their profits drop after the new system takes effect.
The Video On Demand System is one of value-added service the most important vocational work in the Digital Television .
As a new profit growing point and the most potential service, the development prospect of value-added service is unlimited.
There are many advantages in value-added service platform based on the SOA, such as loosely-coupled coupling, reusable, extendible.
PSTN (Public Switch Telephone Net) short message, which is recently introduced by China Telecom, is a non-voice value-added service.
In addition, the storage can be improved by optimizing the value-added service package, to meet customer demand of the whole channel.
The telecommunication operator must realize these value-added service, must support interconnection intercommunication between net 's.
When the shipment of the goods will experience longer supply lines, value-added service in the importance of warehouse level also increases.
I would like to receive FREE retirement planning service provided by Principal's consultant. Please contact me for this value-added service.
According to the defects of the traditional call transfer, this paper proposes a new value-added service which is called customized call transfer.
According to Chinese regulations, Internet Value-added Service Providers must apply for an ICP license, valid for 5 years, and have it renewed annually.
Finally, based on the software frame, a common message value-added service template is designed and implemented. And then, associated functions were tested.
It makes a predict of the development trend of telecom value-added service and puts specific Numbers, and it puts some Suggestions on competition strategies.
This article analyzes the important effect of experiential marketing on value-added service and puts forward some Suggestions to offer revelation to carriers.
The strong specialized background, to it, the communication, the value-added service and the expense class electron profession has the suitable understanding.
The third part is the emphasis, in which methods like examples, contrast and SWOT are used to analyse the elements of the business model of telecom value-added service.
At last it describes the controllable manageable and scaleable service combination problem based on telecommunication value-added service grid and presents the instances.
Its profit fountainhead has each kind of commission fees income, the commission, the transport expense price difference and other each kind of value-added service income.
This paper also presents some new views about MBA program designing, such as setting up curricula about Chinese traditional culture and providing high value-added service.
The test results show that this gateway runs stably with a high call completion rate, and will meet the mobile operators' need of providing 3g video value-added service well.
In this paper, the design of value-added service platform performance through laboratory tests showed that the technical performance of the indicators meet the design requirements.
The system structure and the operation mechanism of this model are described in detail, and the grid service instances of the telecom value-added service based on OGSA are presented.
Global eye network video monitoring is a value-added service of image remote monitoring, transmission, storage and management based on the broadband network launched by China Telecom.