Video bandwidth is not the frequency range over which the instrument itself can accept signals;
For one thing, the greater the instrument's video bandwidth, the smaller its dynamic range and the greater the variation in linearity.
If a power meter and power sensor has a 1-mhz video bandwidth, it will act as a typical low pass filter with a 3-db rolloff point at 1 MHz.
如果功率计和功率传感器拥有1 M Hz的视频带宽,他将扮演一个- 3db截止点为1mhz的典型低通滤波器。
Improving measurement accuracy of low level signal is studied using RF attenuation, resolution bandwidth, video bandwidth, and video average.
This paper is based on the model of near-Gaussian filters, introducing the relationship of sweep time, span, resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth.
Video bandwidth is going to put a lot more pressure on Facebook's servers, especially as I think we can expect it to be very popular as soon as Facebook turn it on.
An RF power analyzer provides both power and transmission frequency information, and can also overcome false readings associated with an RF power meters limited video bandwidth.
Selectable video and audio streaming rates allowed us to balance the amount of network bandwidth consumed against the required video quality and volume of stored video content.
Bandwidth may be cheap now, but many worry that the explosive growth of video, much of it in high-definition formats, could soon clog up the Internet.
That’s quite a lot bandwidth for photos; however, I’m notsure how long that would hold up if you’ve got a lot of video clips onthere.
However, because the number of video streams and the total stream bandwidth would be relatively small in comparison to the capabilities of the server, this was not a problem.
The bandwidth is Shared and the sound or video in real-time are Shared as resources.
The bulk of the bandwidth is hogged instead by people downloading or swapping music, television shows and full-length movies, or playing online video games.
Tehran frequently throttles the country's bandwidth, especially when protests are planned, to make uploading video or images painfully slow, if not impossible.
By analyzing local properties of the signal, the application could, for instance, sharpen frames of video, or look for redundant information that can be removed to save memory or bandwidth.
The extra bandwidth required of streaming video introduces some serious issues when faced with the slow and congested speeds of a 3g network.
To increase bandwidth, and thus transmit more data, such as a video, all you need do is thicken the spout.
Flash is still very much in the lead in many other areas, such as streaming, handling different bandwidth capabilities, video capture, and content protection.
According to reports, in 2007, YouTube video traffic accounted for the same amount of bandwidth as the entire Internet accounted for in 2000.
America's armed forces recently began blocking access to video services such as YouTube and MySpace from their internal networks, because of bandwidth limitations at their Internet gateway.
As a result, you can create a video for high-quality versus low-bandwidth, and progressive download versus streaming, and also troubleshoot problems if the video won't play on all devices.
Its bandwidth of 428 kilohertz means a single segment can carry a bare-bones video picture, compact disc-quality audio, and text for news flashes, weather details and emergency announcements.
Each stream being watched will require a Megabyte a second of bandwidth and a latency of less than 60ms if it is to deliver crisp, pin-sharp video and pristine sound.
ON A typical home network, video is by far the biggest bandwidth hog.
Then there are the costs of running such a site-video requires a lot of bandwidth and storage.
It was not seen as worth pursuing as it increases the bandwidth requirements of the streaming video without increased reliability.
It was not seen as worth pursuing as it increases the bandwidth requirements of the streaming video without increased reliability.