In the realization of water resources, recycling and efficient use of water resources development and utilization of.
The American Soybean Association said last week it appreciates the persistence of Congress to pass the Water Resources Development Act.
Industry sectors has also led to the artificial division of integrated water resources development, utilization and protection management more difficult.
The meeting heard the Dialogue Partners' plans for water resources development in the Lancang-Mekong River and the improvement made on a navigation project.
The measures of water resources development with technical feasibility can be economically and rationally analyzed by using the marginal cost analysis method.
The paper states the condition of water resources development and application as well the management experience with high efficiency in USA in the last one century.
Distribution of droughts, drought climate, actuality of water supply and demand and outlook of water resources development in Fujian Province are analyzed in details.
This paper presents negative effect of the water resources development to Keerqin wetlands of state nature reserve located semiarid area in downstream of the Huolin River.
This paper analyses the water resources development pattern and its environmental influence in Turpan area, and puts forward the ways of sustainable utilization of water res…
Monitoring the quality and quantity of available river water basic informations, provide analysis results for water resources development, distribution and protection services.
Because basin water resources development, using and protection relate with local society, economy, and culture, basin legislation model presents the multiplicity in the world.
The results show the level of environmental negative effect of water resources development increases sharply from the upper reaches to the lower reaches in Shiyang River Basin.
Against the background of the institution of river basin management levies water resources tax, the paper applies game theory to research the conflict in the basin water resources development.
This paper analyses the water resources development pattern and its environmental influence in Turpan area, and puts forward the ways of sustainable utilization of water resources in the future.
Contradiction between supply and demand of water resources become more acute, as regional water resources development and utilization of the most urgent problems to solve water shortage measures.
Insufficient water resources have slowed agricultural development.
"Palestinians have no say in the Israeli development of these Shared, trans-boundary, water resources," he said.
But he also stresses that what he calls reasonable development of water resources will serve the interests of all countries in the region.
China, as an upstream country, attaches great importance to the concerns and interests of downstream countries and adopts a responsible attitude in the development and utilization of water resources.
Strengthening water resources management is the key to the sustainable development of water resources.
Driving from the county town of Songbai, almost everyone the Guardian meets along the roadside is angry at the reckless development of water resources.
According to the distribution of river system, water resources' conditions and characteristics of Henan, the development and utilization situation of water resources is analyzed in this paper.
The Changjiang estuary, the largest estuary in China, is world-famous for its great abundance and development intensity of soil and water, water transport and fishery resources.
This paper studied the problems on development and utilization of water resources in Tuojiang River Basin.
This paper studied the problems on development and utilization of water resources in Tuojiang River Basin.