Weather prediction has never been a perfect science.
She said that she was listening to the weather prediction then.
Some people pay attention to their family pets as a means of weather prediction.
Numerical weather prediction, especially T106 provides a lot of physical parameters.
Mesoscale numerical weather prediction model is the efficient way to the weather forecast.
The back-end weather database of weather predictions. The information contained in a weather prediction is.
An operational real-time weather prediction system of the Shanghai Meteorological Bureau is introduced.
For a multifactor weather prediction problem, this paper constructs a new model of fuzzy neural network based on rough set.
This paper introduced the operational medium range numerical weather prediction system in the national meteorological Center;
The main scientific issues related to the numerical weather prediction (NWP) in the northwest China are reviewed in this paper.
At present, data errors and model errors are the key factors to the improvement of the numerical weather prediction (NWP) results.
Finally, the feasibility of the probabilistic forecast on landslides using weather prediction is discussed with an actual example.
A sampling of these include weather prediction, data mining, genetic and biomedical engineering, and artificial intelligence applications. 5.
Researches on severe convective weather prediction, including tornado, squall line, thunderstorm, become fatal tasks in meteorological field.
As applied in weather prediction like probability forecast, ensemble prediction has been used for "targeted observation" and data assimilation.
The uncertainty of surface emissivity influences directly the efficiency of satellite radiance assimilation in numerical weather prediction model.
It also can provide good initial conditions for numerical weather prediction if using GPS receiver network and improve the accuracy of forecasting.
In most instances weather prediction is the ultimate goal of atmospheric research, the exceptions being the rather rare attempts at controlling the weather.
The system relies on numerical weather prediction, has friendly man-machine interface, and realizes seamless connection to the energy management system (EMS).
该系统以数值天气预报为基 础,具有良好的人机界面,实现了与能量管理系统(energy management system,EMS)的无缝连接。
The results of the test will be beneficial to selecting suitable explicit integration schemes for medium - and short-range numerical weather prediction models.
In this paper, the concept, phenomena and handling methods of nonlinear computational instability in the problems of numerical weather prediction are discussed.
The distribution of high temperature intensity is discussed and it supplies the climate background as well as the respect of the high temperature weather prediction.
The method is also helpful for numerical weather prediction models in providing a better initial data set and improving the accuracy of calculation of pressure gra...
To improve upon persistence forecasting, companies rely on numerical weather prediction (NWP), the approach used by meteorologists to produce national weather forecasts.
Ocean temperatures and wind shear are considered the two most important factors for predicting hurricanes, both in regular weather prediction studies and climate change studies.
A committed classroom teacher, Professor Fovell teaches courses on topics including atmospheric dynamics, thermodynamics, weather prediction and forecasting, and cloud dynamics.
Stability related to theoretical model for catastrophic weather prediction that includes non-hydrostatic perfect elastic model, anelastic model was discussed and analyzed in detail.
If you are looking at actual wind velocities in weather prediction then the regions with high curl tend to be hurricanes or tornadoes or things like that. They are not very pleasant things.
It is a variational method whose constraints are represented by the dynamic model for numerical weather prediction, and is a substantial improvement on the traditional variational scheme.
It is a variational method whose constraints are represented by the dynamic model for numerical weather prediction, and is a substantial improvement on the traditional variational scheme.