Wildcard search, using front, middle, and end masking.
A sample query using wildcard search is shown in Listing 21.
Listing 3 demonstrates the process of doing a wildcard search.
Net search Extender supports two kinds of character masking for wildcard search.
Search strategies include single and multiple character wildcard searches, fuzzy and proximity searches, and AND, OR and NOT Boolean operations.
搜索策略包括单个和多个字符通配符搜索、模糊和近似搜索以及AND、OR 和NOT Boolean 操作。
An asterisk wildcard is not supported as the first character in a text search term, however.
Wildcard characters cannot be used to substitute punctuation, even when escaped (for keyword and phrase search), as shown in Listing 29.
通配符不能用于替换标签符号,即使是转义的(对于关键字和短语搜索),如清单29 所示。
DB2 Net search Extender provides a flexible query language to find relevant information based on complex retrieval operations involving Boolean combination, wildcard, and fuzzy search, for example.
DB 2NetSearchExtender提供了一种灵活的查询语言,可以根据复杂的获取操作(例如涉及布尔组合、通配符和模糊搜索)寻找相关信息。
In order to give search results XPath wildcard capabilities, I have added a -filter option to indexer, however I do not support XPath functions in search results.
The query is typically specified by entering search text (sometimes with wildcard functionality) for one or more of the fields in the object to be searched.
You need to add a wildcard to find a document that contains the search term as part of a compound word.
For example, if a user were to type in a string that is used to search some index, it may be important to filter the string for improper wildcard characters that might cause unbounded searches.
Use wildcard characters in search conditions
To locate documentation plug-ins, search the system for files or directories with the naming pattern "com.ibm.*.doc*" where * is a wildcard value.
要想找到这个文档插件,我们可以用命名模式 “com.ibm.*.doc*” 来寻找文件或目录,其中的 * 是通配符。
If I give a value to search for a field, even be it exact or involving a wildcard, it gives me 0 search results.
Lists wildcard characters that can be included in search strings.
Data provider (s) failed to execute the search query because a wildcard term matches too many terms for a single information space.
Data provider (s) failed to execute the search query because a wildcard term matches too many terms for a single information space.