Write memory, are forgotten for the past!
In some systems, instructions can be stored in read-only memory while data memory generally requires read-write memory.
VB programming available when using the API module, which some functions are customizable, you can modify their thinking and write memory.
Shared memory provides the fastest method of interprocess communication, because it processes read and write messages at the speed of memory transfers.
I can't trust my memory. I'd better write everything down.
If you like to set up your decorations the same way each year, don't leave it to your memory. Write it down, take a photo of it and store in binder.
It is illegal to read or write blue and red memory.
RDMA allows one computer to read or write to the memory of another computer without requiring any processor cycles on the target machine.
RD MA支持读或写另一台计算机的内存,并且不需要占用目标计算机的任何处理周期。
With random write behind, the number of pages in memory exceeds a specified amount and all subsequent pages are written to disk.
Any process can write data to a Shared memory region, and the data are readable and modified by other processes.
Unlike most computer languages, C allows the programmer to write directly to memory.
The callback function creates a unique file name to write the audit records stored in named memory.
Any memory allocation can fail, and it's not easy to write C or C++ programs that truly handle that well.
任何内存分配都可能会失败,而编写真正很好地处理该问题的C或 C++程序是很困难的。
The callback function can read the records that were saved in named memory (7) and write each record to a file (8).
The default replication method (others are available) only requires that a log write be received in memory at the standby before acknowledgement is returned to the primary.
While data binding isn't usually considered a persistence method, it effectively is just that: a way to take an XML document represented in memory and write it to a file.
This could have resulted in freed memory that an attacker could write to before it is reused, and then run arbitrary code on the victim s computer.
Write things down. - Nobody's memory is perfect.
As each of the threads try to write to the global space, it is necessary to take care that they write to the memory in sync, or else the messages will get corrupted.
Every five seconds, query the available physical memory and write the result to the log file.
My WAP has a read-write filesystem in memory for work files and logging.
Write it Down: Don't rely on your memory as your system.
The only Write operation permitted on a flash memory device is to change a bit from a one to a zero.
Then you can use the cygprog to write your program into the device's memory.
With sequential write behind, pages do not stay in memory until the syncd daemon runs, which can cause real bottlenecks.
So let me write that down, it's how much memory do I need to complete a computation.
TPC-C is an OLTP benchmark which requires efficient use of large memory, intensive random read/write I/O, and has extremely intensive database log activity.
Do not blame yourself; instead, open yourself to the feeling, to the memory, and then write down what happened, the causes and the consequences.
Do not blame yourself; instead, open yourself to the feeling, to the memory, and then write down what happened, the causes and the consequences.