He carelessly knocked over the silkworm tray, leaving the floor covered with folia mori.
We don't know you, we don't have any friends in common, in fact, we think you might have requested our friendship by mistake.
You accidently stare at a helium-argon laser, lose one turn and a retina.
It's a tongue typo when you trip over your words and accidentally call your friend Mike instead of by his actual name, Mark.
I was doing aerobics on the balcony of my 26th floor apartment when I twisted my ankle and slipped over the edge.
You should fasten your seat belts before you start reading it, because the pace is quick and you could easily get off track!
年轻人长长一不小心就让自己身处险境- - -这就是莽撞吧,我想。
"With young people, there's often that carelessness, allowing yourself to get into danger - recklessness, I suppose."
When the sun goes down, and rose, everything changed, carelessly at also can't go back.
T - Bag一不小心洒了茶水在一页纸上,然后——新的线索就出现了。
Suddenly T-Bag spills some tea on the leaf of a page and boom - a clue comes out.
In fact nothing really. I just suddenly thought we were so loved. He is the love dearly.
Most of its customers are Western retailers worried about the bad publicity an inadvertent purchase of illegal logs might bring.
Your AIRS are funny now, but you'll grow up an affected little goose, if you don't take care.
Her gaze dropped to the files stacked so neatly in front of her. She spotted a streak of blue ink staining the sleeve of her lab coat.
I kept ghost calling my boss by accident yesterday when my phone was bumping in my bag – it was really embarrassing.
Last summer, I have taken up the hillside, and grandmother to the wildflowers, I accidentally stepped on an empty, fell down, feet bleeding had.
Because have good person, can have love. Even if he hurts others, also can have the heart of repentance make up.
Inspector Atkins said a 17-year-old boy was moving his ute just before dawn yesterday and accidentally ran over the two teens.
Only when we think for ourselves can we become truly free. Earning money online is all well and good, but if you aren't careful, it can become just another job, just another 9-to-5.
A squirrel, merrily leaping on the branches of an oak tree, accidentally missed its hold and fell upon a lion who lay at the trunk, basking in the shade.
Two crocodile farm workers in northern Australia were collecting crocodile eggs by a river bank when a crocodile grabbed one of them by the arm.
Whether it's chatting on QQ, shopping on Taobao or connecting to a "free" Wi-Fi network, not being careful can have serious consequences.
It's a neat, addictive little gadget, and after weeks of testing, I've started to use its readings to justify any and all crankiness.
Rumsfeld unwittingly brought the roof down on his head with his response to an American soldier at a question-and-answer session in Kuwait.
We play with slapstick with skating field, accidentally fell down, give rise to bursts of laughter, joy and laughter will reverberate around the village.
When I was a teenager, everyone said becoming a parent was easy - so easy, I had to be careful not to do it accidentally.
In winter, the bare branches grow furry with frost.They sparkle in the sun, and you're afraid to touch them in case they shatter.
In winter, the bare branches grow furry with frost.They sparkle in the sun, and you're afraid to touch them in case they shatter.