Most of the 11 and 12-year-old children questioned thought it was wrong to be violent but agreed that if a wife had not made the tea on time it might be acceptable to push her.
Last week, strict diets for children were questioned after a 12-year-old vegan girl was admitted to a Scottish hospital with rickets.
In the latest atrocity, a 58-year-old man killed seven children and two women with a meat cleaver at a kindergarten in northwestern Shaanxi Province on May 12.
Polish children have the worst teeth in any OECD country; a 12 year old has nearly four teeth that are missing, decayed or have a filling.
After her 12-year-old son spent two years at a specialized school for children with learning disabilities, Lisa Lunday decided he was ready for a more challenging, mainstream environment.
Pablo Kuri, a Mexican epidemiologist, said three of the dead were children: a 9-year-old girl, a 12-year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy.
I've been in African countries where 12 and 13-year-old girls are bearing children.
Asa a Butterfield plays the 12-year-old Ender Wiggin, a student soldier in a military facility that is training children to fight the Formics.
Asa Butterfield plays the 12-year-old Ender Wiggin, a student soldier in a military facility that is training children to fight the Formics.
And I set myself and impossible target: can Tamil speaking 12-year-old children in a South Indian village teach themselves biotechnology in English on their own?
Carole Romain, a home health aide, said she often brought her 10 - and 12-year-old children to the playground. She already watched them closely.
As far as 6-12 year-old Chinese children who have very limited spare time are concerned, Watching TV is their main relaxing model after class.
To find out the prevalence of sleep disturbances and its related factors in children aged 6 to 12 year-old in Zhongshan city.
探讨中山市某小学6 ~12岁学龄儿童睡眠障碍的发生情况及其相关因素。
Objective To evaluate the clinical value of Preoperative psychological interventions among 7 ~ 12 year old children.
目的探讨心理干预在7 ~ 1 2岁儿童术前应用中的临床价值。
AIDS incubation period is generally said that children shorter incubation period, if the 13-year-old injection of infected blood products, which have been hidden for over 12 years?
Barson's own children, Luis, age 12, and 7-year-old Lilly, have never attended school.
Whilst her younger children Dalton, 13, and Victoria, 12, have acclimatized to their mother's obsession, but her 17-year-old son Tanner despises the macaques.
Conclusion There is a higher prevalence rate of sleep disorders in 2~12-year old children receiving medical treatment in the Department of Pediatrics in the city of Shenyang .
结论 中国医科大学附属盛京医院儿科门急诊就诊的2~12岁儿童睡眠障碍发生率非常高。
Objective: To investigate the status of caries and oral hygiene among 8-12 year-old blinded, Weak-minded and deaf-muted children from Yichang school for deaf-mutes.
Objective: To investigate the status of caries and oral hygiene among 8-12 year-old blinded, Weak-minded and deaf-muted children from Yichang school for deaf-mutes.