We can ask our kids to help us learn as a society what's okay and what's not.
After all, a little healthy worrying is okay if it leads to constructive action—like having a doctor look at that weird spot on your back.
After a week, the parrot finally said, "Okay, I give up. Where's the boat?"
If it's okay with you, we'd like a second chance to make things right.
Right okay a good argument, must have at least two characteristics, actually there are many more than two characteristics but we are interested in the two.
If the word is they're sweethearts to work with, you should be okay with a minimal team, maybe a single representative is enough.
It is also okay for a layout to contain a pane that is never referenced by the XDIME document.
The man says, “A centipede? I can't imagine a centipede doing everything, but okay ... I'll try a centipede.”
That's sometimes confusing for people, because it seems like okay, is it a photon or is it an electron.
Most of the time, you take your office computers for granted. Okay, there's a niggle or two, but generally the it folks can sort it out.
I think if made a mistake, everybody makes mistakes, so for me, it's my father, he did not everything right with me, okay, I made a mistake.
Okay he is actually a convicted forger and embezzler but does that mean his books are worthless?
Truth is, most days you're okay with being only a teacher and not really a man.
Letting fly those paper airplanes might be okay in a virtual classroom, but it could get you into real trouble in a real one.
Click ok on any pop-up window that asks if it is okay to generate a reference on the mediation flow component.
Okay, there's a niggle or two, but generally the IT folks can sort it out.
It's okay to keep a check on your child, but overdoing it can hamper their trust instinct.
"It could be anything from a simple 'hey, I saw this Harry Potter video' to a long 'Okay, so today so-and-so pissed me off and I hate their guts and they need to eat worms,'" Ms. Duvall says.
They could be characters in your favorite books, like Anne of Green Gables and Elizabeth Bennet (okay, a few more of personal faves).
And when he goes to synagogues to solicit volunteers, he makes this argument: "Yes, we had a miserable history, okay, let's get over that, we ended up not in such a bad place."
Never give up on a task. Instead, learn to readjust your approach when necessary. It is okay to take a break if you are overly frustrated.
A few will balk. They don't want the responsibility of figuring out a fee. They don't want the anguish. That's okay. Give them a quote.
Of course it happens, but much more common is somebody you already know, somebody you have seen repetitively you suddenly find attraction — attractive and a relationship forms. Okay?
Okay, you've written a guide, or rather manual for life, called Discover Your Passion. What inspired you to write it?
But what they weren't looking at was, okay, there's a balloon payment five years down.
JG: (whispers) No. (laughs) When you subscribe too much to a conventional education you can walk away with a mindset of, “Okay, I've graduated, I've got my diploma, I'm done.
(小声说)不。 (笑起来)当你在常规教育上投入太多的时候其实你完全可以建立一套自己的理念了。好吧,我已经毕业了,我拿到属于自己的文凭了,我搞定了。
"Okay, who has a calculator?" Megan asked.
It's okay to have a few plastic bags and to reuse plastic bags as much as possible.
I would be happy to set up a website for any mom-and-pop business that is okay with a website based off a blog host. For free.
I would be happy to set up a website for any mom-and-pop business that is okay with a website based off a blog host. For free.