Opel was a good option, the best one in Europe, especially because it's a bargain sale.
W: Oh, you must know the ones I mean. They were on sale, a real bargain. Reduced to a quarter of the original price. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw them.
In the Saturday stampede, victims were crushed as bargain-hunters rushed to get into the French supermarket for a tenth anniversary sale.
All of this means 2009 is looking like a year-long bargain sale for PC buyers.
Maybe coconut milk was on sale at Costco and the good doctor couldn't resist a bargain, even though he had no use for coconut milk?
Yang decided to put himself on sale last September with a no-bargain price of $100, 000. He vowed to devote himself to his master “until death.”
We usually have a big sale before Christmas. You can get a real bargain at that time.
Now the couple is selling the dresses for a bargain, with the hopes of using the money from the sale towards fulfilling a lifelong dream of dancing together at the New Year's Eve Ball in Vienna.
When you go away from here, you will have concluded what is a mere matter of bargain and sale, hiring and letting: and will stay away.
Nonetheless, economists warned prices will likely crawl along at low levels as a large number of homes, many of them at bargain prices, come up for sale.
I had a chance of a bargain at the sale but I let it slip through my fingers.
I had a chance of a bargain at the sale but I let it slip through my fingers.