Thanks to my father and our trip to the factory, now I work in a company which is a big one in a city.
The transition from high school to college is a big one, and if you live at home you need to develop the same kind of independence you'd have if you were living away.
I have a big one with polar bears in it.
I have a big one with bears in it, and another one with penguins.
The next crayfish boil in Shoal Creek, Tennessee, could be a big one.
在田纳西州的沙洲溪(Shoal Creek),下一只被烧熟的螯虾很有可能是个大家伙。
Maybe this was a moment that, years from now, I'd remember as a big one.
Maybe this was a moment that, years from now, I’d remember as a big one.
He was a brilliant leader of a small team, but bad at managing a big one.
This is the latest reason-and it is a big one-why destroying forests is a bad idea.
"It's an earthquake, a big one," I said, urging Ben on to the changing room next door.
A big one is to close the gap between practice and competition. Meaning, practice under stress.
The game is a big one, but comes just five days before the FA Cup semi-final clash with United.
Ext has been hard at work introducing accessibility features into the framework, and this is a big one.
For many women whose careers have always come second to a husband's, a change in later life might be a big one.
And they would say that wasn't a mission statement, not a big one such as "creating the casual gaming industry".
whereas Barack Obama’s advisers suggested that only a double-digit win for Mrs Clinton would count as a big one.
16-24 he gained the surface, clambered about the stones that littered the barrier rock until he found a big one.
When you want to make a change in your life, especially a big one, you'll typically meet resistance along the way.
After each spike, including a big one in the summer of 2009 when she appeared on the cover of Playboy, the interest tapers off.
Not only was it the fourth devaluation since late 2009 (and the sixth since the summer of 2008), but it was a big one: a full 8.5%.
For extra bases (no, not really) adjust the "Angle of Descent" to see how a little curve becomes a big one in your peripheral vision.
A lot of our existing customers were already paying for their existing sharing service so the leap from free to paid was not a big one.
A savvy market watcher, who has been correctly bearish on stocks, says the next bull market will likely start soon — and it should be a big one.
He claims that when a person is telling a lie for the first time and it's a big one, he can detect the lie with near-perfect accuracy — and so can you.
The problem, he says, is that this comes at a price. "It's a bit like paying off a mortgage - you take out a big one and you'll have a lot to pay off later on."
The problem, he says, is that this comes at a price. "It's a bit like paying off a mortgage - you take out a big one and you'll have a lot to pay off later on."