He says he will make a proposal on the issue at an IAEA board meeting in June.
And finally you express an outside of the box idea in a board meeting in front of your VP.
M: Jane, we are going to have a board meeting next Friday. Will you please arrange it for me?
Within an hour of the ruling Mr Vasquez left the office, and Mr Boyce arrived and held a board meeting.
This is a board meeting of one of the most successful American agribusiness companies every morning!
Carl never physically attended a board meeting at Blockbuster's corporate headquarters in dallas-he called in.
Now picture yourself, approaching a woman or a prospective client, walking into a board meeting or a party.
So while you may not be able to sit in lotus pose during a board meeting, that doesn’t mean that you can’t meditate.
The secretary who answered explained that Mr. Shattuck was in a board meeting and would be fired if she interrupted the meeting.
The scene greeting me was like a board meeting except for its odd location in the back corner booth of a fast-food restaurant.
They are seen before our words are heard in a board meeting, and they are remembered long after, like perfume that hangs in a room.
Benmosche had demanded more control over AIA last month at a board meeting, pushing for Wilson's dismissal, said a person with knowledge of the event.
By then I was imagining Sam as the Hollywood amalgam of a spy — dashing, dangerous, rugged yet refined, as effortless in a board meeting as in a bar fight.
Not surprisingly, at a board meeting called to consider Sam hawthorne's proposal for a British research institute, Clinton etheridge led off for the opposition.
Perhaps you've experienced something similar as you've prepared for an important presentation at work: a board meeting, a speaking engagement, or a one-on-one meeting.
He was turfed out on June 2nd, just two days after Italy's stockmarket regulator told Generali, the country's largest insurance company, to convene a board meeting to tackle a boardroom split.
If a Board member is unable to participate in a Board meeting in person or by telecommunications, he may issue a written proxy and entrust a representative to participate in the meeting on his behalf.
Arthur has made a recommendation, which he wants her to put before the board at a special meeting scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.
The Financial Stability Board (FSB), a Basel-based body of regulators, is to report to the Pittsburgh meeting with detailed proposals on global standards of pay disclosure and structure.
People at Wednesday's executive board meeting said it had been relatively upbeat, with a focus on "business planning", in particular how the investment bank should be shaken up.
The board meeting of International intercom inc. was proceeding at its usual pace: a boring meeting.
Everyone attending the board meeting was in a state of intense concentration, trying to look as intelligent as they could.
Hopes that more detailed work could start on the fuel-bank plan were shot down at a meeting of the IAEA's 35-member board in June.
Immediately following his resignation at HP's May 18, 2006 board meeting, Perkins had a conversation with outside counsel about the reason he left the board, according to the New Yorker article.
Nuclear safety also is on the agenda of a week-long board meeting at the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna.
Nuclear safety also is on the agenda of a week-long board meeting at the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna.