The body of rules that specify how proper sentences are constructed in a given language is called the language's grammar.
表明在一门特定的语言中如何构建合适句子的主体规则就是该语言的语法 。
Wolves use body language to convey the rules of the pack. A wolf pack is very organized.
The rules are application specific, but in general, caching policy rules can trigger on the request URI, specific XML contents within the request body, or a combination of both.
这些规则是特定于应用程序的,但一般情况下,可在请求URI 中、请求正文中的特定XML内容或两者的组合中触发缓存策略规则。
For example, if every high-level element has a font setting of Georgia, consider moving that rule into your body section, and remove all the individual rules.
In exceptional cases where a certification body cannot meet a specific requirement of the Rules, the certification body shall submit a waiver request form to the relevant IATF Oversight office.
The evolutional rules of linear entropy of field in the model of Jaynes-Cumming(JC) that acts each other with radiation field of a grey body are studied.
In a word, remaking rules, supervising information, limiting topics and arguing opinions become the main ways of power relation in the condition of body absence.
In a word, remaking rules, supervising information, limiting topics and arguing opinions become the main ways of power relation in the condition of body absence.