Where you're going. a boot camp for troubled girls. Blair was kind enough to do some research. haven't you heard?
Unfortunately, the 30-year-old has been unable to secure a job this season and is currently keeping fit in a boot camp organised by the German PFA.
Mr Beer said he became so overweight because of an addiction to food, but is now trying to sort himself out and plans to go to a boot camp later this month.
Opened in 1997, Tranquility Bay is not a boot camp or a boarding school but a \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 'behaviour modification centre \ \ \ \ \ \ \' for 11 - to 18-year-olds.
I had an interesting conversation with a Marine Corps General, and I asked, what's the purpose of boot camp?
From what we've described here about summer school, anyone who didn't know better might think we've described a setting of boot camp!
The Army recruiter said I could be on my way to boot camp in a week, the Air Force said a month. The Army it was.
You thought you entered a relationship "paradise," but you were misinformed, it was really a relationship boot camp that you signed-up for, and you did so even unaware.
The social environment at the boot camp MBA, for example, would be markedly different from the typical two-year MBA experience although, in my view, a similar sense of camaraderie could develop.
Dealing with a bully in Marine Corps' boot camp.
More than one hundred GE employees will spend a week at GA over the next year in a sort of digital boot camp.
The youngest, Jonathan, 15, is now in a juvenile boot camp after running into trouble with the law.
Instead of doing his time in a standard prison, he served an abbreviated six-month term in a shock incarceration boot camp, earning his GED in the process.
Being a freshman there was the academic equivalent of boot camp.
Fixed a problem with certain buffs and effects not appearing on Boot Camp.
Starship Troopers. Robert Heinlein. A recruit of the future goes through the toughest boot camp in the universe - and into battle against humanity's deadliest enemy.
A recruit in Navy boot camp got on the wrong side of our company commander and was ordered to do push-ups.
Sergeant: You know, a lot of recruits, myself included, lose a big part of their personality when they go through boot camp.
Some of you are trying to get a new marriage, and you can't handle the boot camp you're in right now: Your spouse has just "two" issues they need to resolve.
Last July you graduated from cosmic boot camp and, armed with the information you learned, you could put it to good use and have a more successful, easier close relationship in the future.
A Florida jury acquitted seven former boot camp guards and a nurse charged with manslaughter in the death of a 14-year-old boy roughed up in a videotaped altercation.
Complete one month of our basketball boot camp, and we'll give you a hundred thousand dollars!
The best advice I ever received came to me from my ensign when I was a Wave at boot camp. She told me, "To stay out of trouble, say 'Yes, sir' all day and 'No, sir' all night."
我曾经听到的最好的建议来自于我在海军新兵训练营当女兵时我的海军上尉她告诉我:“为了离麻烦远点白天要总是说”是先生“晚上要总是说”不 先生。
American University plays a central role as a sort of intellectual 18 boot camp for young people who will become leaders in government and the economy.
I left Bahrain as a petty officer 3rd class and completed a six-week officer candidate boot camp.
Four men have been sentenced to jail for terms up to 10 years for causing the death of a teenager at an illegal boot camp for Internet addicted children in south China, a local court said Monday.
Four men have been sentenced to jail for terms up to 10 years for causing the death of a teenager at an illegal boot camp for Internet addicted children in south China, a local court said Monday.