They took it for granted that after the war a Brave New World was to be ushered in.
This sudden surge in so many late developers suggests a Brave New World in the making.
It's a Brave New World you head into and a young scientist will be worth 20 old politicians.
However, recent technology trends enable a brave new world of marketing. Ignore them at your peril.
Why do we insist that this "otherness" and this intervention in procreation are only steps towards a Brave New World?
And until they do, it is hard to see them starting to create a Brave New World, in either the east or the west of their devastated country.
Opportunities and risks in the IT information age, we would like to jointly build a brave new world, and we knew them, you fortunate enough to have you open the door!
Insiders claim the results go far beyond anything achieved by other recent 3d offerings, leading the industry towards a Brave New World of stereoscopic film production.
For all the fevered work being done, however, science is still far away from the Brave New World vision of engineering a perfect human—or even a perfect tomato.
For all the fevered work being done, however, science is still far away from the Brave New World vision of engineering a perfect human—or even a perfect tomato.
For it is possible that the long and expensive search for a better battery to power the brave, new, emission-free electrical world has been following the wrong trail.
Those wanting to remain incognito in this Brave New World might soon have to turn off their mobile phones when arriving at a party.
While these features are not free from a performance perspective, they do allow applications to be built mixing the two APIs to allow people to move over to the brave new world.
但是,从性能的角度来看,这些特性并非免费。它只是让那些构建在这两种混合API 上的应用程序能够平滑过渡到新世界。
Meanwhile, those who worried about the fact that this brave new world of finance lacked a safety net were dismissed as hopelessly old-fashioned.
1984 and Brave New world often show up together on reading lists, and each is set in a future world where individual freedoms are greatly limited.
Yet trouble is looming in this brave new world; a battle is brewing, pitting publishers against agents as they settle the fundamental question of how authors should be compensated.
NARRATOR: Now teaching at the London School of Economics, Hayek feared that Keynes's brave new world was a big step in the wrong direction.
Does this mean we're approaching a brave, new world where babies are produced to order on a laboratory assembly line?
Brave New World is presented as a nightmare. But we need to be careful. The inhabitants are conditioned to enjoy their existence.
I can remember reading Flaubert for the first time, and being struck by a thunderbolt: oh Brave New World that has such writers in it!
This is about more than Britain's ability to compete in a brave new globalised world that demands flexible, highly skilled workers. It also has to do with social behaviour.
That doesn't mean you have to leave away from your old friends if you want to make a change to your life, it's about being brave to meet new people, being excited to explore the bigger world.
The first part is the introduction which interprets the ideas of utopia and dystopia and gives a general introduction to Aldous Huxley and the plot of Brave New World.
2: Brave New World: Caroline wakes up in the hospital and is horrified to learn that she is turning into a vampire.
2: Brave New World: Caroline wakes up in the hospital and is horrified to learn that she is turning into a vampire.