The sea department Jun tree: When I held the post of Japan a prime minister, Japan economy got into a bubble economy most high peak.
A property bubble in Bulgaria seems to be on the verge of bursting, though this has still to filter through to the rest of the economy.
If a bubble in share prices or property threatens the whole economy, better to prick it surgically rather than bludgeon everyone with higher interest rates.
Despite the deflation of its housing bubble and a severe drought, the kangaroo economy keeps bouncing along.
In the event of a bubble however, whose bursting would greatly impact the real economy, non-monetary tools should be used to deflate it.
The only other G7 economy where consumer debt has declined is Germany, which has also avoided a housing bubble.
Bubble economy usually starts with false prosperity and ends in a breakout of crises.
The higher a country's potential growth rate, the easier it is for the economy to recover after a bubble bursts, so long as its fiscal and external finances are in reasonable shape.
Reporter : I have to "bubble economy" no specific knowledge of the Haikou to see one built uncompleted residential flats plate, really has a horrifying feeling.
As also happened in Japan, that growth model has led to the buildup of stress points in the domestic economy: a bubble in the real-estate sector and bad loans in the Banks.
The pre-crisis UK economy, he says, was a "bubble economy".
One part of the Irish economy that became especially free was the banking sector, which used its freedom to finance a monstrous housing bubble.
The US economy is experiencing the hangover of the two-decade-long Alan Greenspan party. Most of the hardship is unavoidable and deserved. How could one avoid pain after a bubble?
Real estate bubbles may result in bubble economy. Once the bubbles burst, the impact on the economy of a country or a region would be severe.
But Xia rejected Suggestions in foreign media reports that the real estate bubble could precipitate a crisis in the economy as a whole.
The Nikkei peaked at 38,915.87 in late 1989 before crashing in a stock-and-real-estate bubble that left the economy in the doldrums for more than a decade.
The data did little, however, to change the view that housing, hobbled by a burst bubble which triggered a major recession, will not help the economy much any time soon.
In this case, it was fueled by low interest rates and kept going by a false sense of security created by a debt-fueled bubble in the economy.
However, it's doubtful whether such measures can succeed in preventing a bubble if the amount of available credit in the economy continues to grow.
After the collapse of bubble economy in Japan, the economy has been at the murky condition for a long time, which had a better change until the later period of 2002.
As FALLING house prices and tightening credit squeeze America's economy, some worry that the country may suffer a decade of stagnation, as Japan did after its bubble burst in the early 1990s.
As FALLING house prices and tightening credit squeeze America's economy, some worry that the country may suffer a decade of stagnation, as Japan did after its bubble burst in the early 1990s.