A bull market needs to be fed every day, a bear market only once a week.
Europe's banking system is still built for a bull market that isn't coming back.
The '70s were a terrible time to invest in stocks, a bull market had started in 1982.
The media haven't such kind of influence as to create either a bull market or a bear market.
Taking too much joy in a bull market can be just as dangerous as panicking mindlessly in a market fall.
Remember that a bear market will give up in one month what a bull market has taken 3 months to build.
Investors and brokers watch the Big Board to see if the stock market is a bull market or a bear market.
Just take a look at the figures. But in the early stages of a rising equity cycle, no one says it's a bull market.
In a bull market, a stock will often run down 2 to 3 weeks, and possibly 4, then reverse and follow the main trend again.
BP’s travails will undoubtedly have the same effect: we can expect a bull market in chief safety officers and chief apology officers.
If the market is thought to be good and prices on the Stock Exchange are thought to be likely to rise, the market is called a bull market.
"It's going to be difficult to sustain a bull market, because there's a lack of full confidence in policymakers to get it right," says Kantor.
In a bull market, the average system, long order, namely: short-term moving average in the last -, medium-and long-term average for the next.
By encouraging them to dust off their pet ideas, the summit will at the very least create a bull market in new schemes for global economic governance.
'Thirty years ago, the last time we had a bull market in commodities, Asia was not in the game,' said Rogers, who moved from New York to Singapore in late 2007.
The move sent the SCI down 6.5 per cent that day and was clearly aimed at slowing a bull market that had seen the index more than quadruple in less than two years.
The five-week drop in U.S. stocks is consistent with a temporary pullback within a bull market, said Thomas J. Lee, the chief U.S. equity strategist at JPMorgan Chase &Co.
The main Shanghai share index has entered a bull market, having rallied more than 20 percent from its lows in January, but trading volumes remain a shadow of what they were during the boom.
While in the other side of this planet, unlucky Chinese investor who survived long 5 years bear market now are experiencing a bull market whose index increased by more than 100% in the last two years.
The longest bull-run in a century of art-market history ended on a dramatic note with a sale of 56 works by Damien Hirst.
A savvy market watcher, who has been correctly bearish on stocks, says the next bull market will likely start soon — and it should be a big one.
THOSE people who thought that reaching $1,000 an ounce was a sign that the bull market in gold was about to collapse have been proved wrong.
Rabobank's predictions add to forecasts that food costs may surge next year, potentially raising inflation and paving the way for a reprisal of the bull market in 2008, when prices surged to records.
For a while this view seemed to be borne out by the long bull market in equities.
For a while this view seemed to be borne out by the long bull market in equities.