My husband had a Cabinet meeting in the morning, but returned to the residence for lunch and we had porridge.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan announced at a cabinet meeting on Tuesday that plans are proceeding as scheduled.
The Minister for Women and Equality did not attend the hearing and was instead in a Cabinet meeting at Downing Street.
Video on display shows Reagan heading a cabinet meeting with his hand perpetually dipping into a glass jelly bean jar.
She held a cabinet meeting as usual and, although not as forthright as most days, did manage to get through the business.
And Japan will convene a Cabinet meeting Monday to come up with measures to block the entry of the virus into the country.
"I think it would be expedient to introduce a temporary ban on export grains and other agricultural goods," Mr Putin told a cabinet meeting.
The move, announced after a cabinet meeting, means people in the West African nation will work a half-day on the Muslim holy day of Friday and get Saturday and Sunday off.
British Prime Minister David Cameron said he was passed a note with news of the engagement during a Cabinet meeting and that, when he informed his colleagues, a cheer went up around the table.
The PM returned to Downing Street to preside over a meeting of his inner cabinet.
After meeting Wednesday afternoon, Israeli cabinet ministers decided against a French proposal for a 48-hour cease-fire to allow humanitarian aid to reach Gaza.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Takeo Kawamura said on Tuesday that at the meeting some people commented that the base year for cutting emissions should be 2005 as this appeared to fit with a global trend.
Israel's Cabinet discussed the possibility of a partial freeze on construction in Jewish settlements at its weekly meeting.
The annual report was approved Friday at a meeting of Cabinet ministers calledto discuss the prevention of human trafficking.
The cabinet of Maldives is to hold a meeting underwater scheduled on October 17 to highlight the threat of global warming, BBC reported.
Officials claimed that Taib was only there to brief the Governor on what would be discussed at the state Cabinet meeting, which was a monthly affair.
The decision to end the offensive came at a meeting of Israel's security cabinet Saturday.
At a recent cabinet meeting, Mr Lieberman's lot voted against budget proposals for next year, saying that ministries it runs had been singled out for particularly savage cuts.
He has held the first meeting with his new cabinet and has asked the parliament to consider a number of important bills before it breaks for its summer recess.
During the cabinet meeting yesterday (Monday), we were discussing whether we would stay in OPEC or quit membership while struggling to boost oil production until we become a worthy OPEC member again.
During the cabinet meeting yesterday (Monday), we were discussing whether we would stay in OPEC or quit membership while struggling to boost oil production until we become a worthy OPEC member again.