Even under a clear blue sky, the villages looked forbidding, as all the houses were built of grey bricks.
Even under a clear blue sky, the village looked forbidding, as all the houseswere built ofgrey mud bricks.
Even under a clear blue sky, the village looked forbidding, AS all the houses were built of grey mud bricks.
"My move was a shock," said Bonera at his official unveiling. "It was like a bolt of lighting out of a clear blue sky."
Order hall boarded up, through the courtyard of the hall, to see a clear blue sky on one after another over Baiyun Piao.
The trouble is not that. It is that he may suddenly remember something I promised him a couple of weeks ago, out of a clear blue sky.
Standing on a mountain high, looking at the moon through a clear blue sky. I should go and see some friends, but they don't really comprehend.
If you have a clear blue sky with nary a cloud, but a very interesting foreground subject, you may still be able to achieve the look you want.
Now we can look up and see the linesagainst a clear blue sky. The picture on the right is much more dynamicbecause of the strong diagonal lines.
Now we can look up and see the lines against a clear blue sky. The picture on the right is much more dynamic because of the strong diagonal lines.
Video shot by a photographer from News 8 TV in Austin showed what appeared to be a meteor-like white fireball blazing across a clear blue sky Sunday morning.
Under a clear blue sky frog excitedly beating, it has such a broad Kuni own excited, but also for their own corner of the front ranks solitary and distraught.
However as with almost all Chinese cities Lanzhou suffers from heavy pollution problems and smoke from the refineries obscure what would have been a clear blue sky.
However, as with almost all Chinese cities, Lanzhou suffers from heavy pollution problems and smoke from the refineries obscure what would have been a clear blue sky.
Give me a clear blue sky over my head, green grass beneath my feet, a winding road before me, and let me think! It is hard if I cannot start a game in this lonely field.
In some of the pictures, the tops of the nearby Woolworth Building and other skyscrapers can just be seen above the enormous cloud of debris, gray against a clear blue sky.
Situated at the foot of the nine picturesque peaks, the temple-mausoleum, its dark red walls intensified by a clear blue sky, presents a look of great solemnity and serenity.
As Chaz pulled around the back past the shop filled with their equipment, he realized no man could ask for a more glorious setting, especially on a warm summer morning with a clear blue sky overhead.
Let's take actions to create a beautiful new China where the sky is blue, the land is green, and the water is clear.
As we walk under a brilliant winter sky of clear blue along the fields of ploughed red-brown earth, we could be mistaken for a West Bank version of Last of the Summer Wine.
He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky, where the stars were floating like white lilies on the surface of a clear calm lake.
They wore blue ribbons on their lapels as their entry credentials and as a symbol of the clear blue sky that preceded the moment everything changed.
Rest on Sunday, the sky was clear, white clouds float over the blue sky, a group of birds fly freely in the sky.
We used to see clear blue sky and breathe fresh air, but now this would be a real luxury.
My favorite was a clear and crisp autumn, golden autumn sky was clear and Jiduo faint white clouds cruising blue sky, white clouds a few eagle soaring below.
My favorite was a clear and crisp autumn, golden autumn sky was clear and Jiduo faint white clouds cruising blue sky, white clouds a few eagle soaring below.