A climatologist is greatly concerned with the time constants of the energy reservoirs of the world.
William Patzert, a climatologist with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, says the combination of dry heat and strong winds, create the ideal conditions for wild fires.
"Whether you agree with Gaia or not, it's a brilliant organizing principle," says Stephen Schneider, a climatologist with U.S. National Center for Atmospheric Research.
Peter Thorne, a climatologist at the Co-operative Institute for Climate and Satellites, in North Carolina, describes it as "quite a hard sell in periods that are data sparse".
"Building new coal-fired power plants is ill conceived," said James E. Hansen, a leading climatologist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
Dendro-climatologist a researcher who USES tree rings to study the climate record.
Dendro - climatologist -利用树木年轮来研究气候记录的研究学家。
While Hansen is still a top-flight climatologist—very much worth listening to even at his most heretical—his recent foray into politics leaves a lot to be desired.
While Hansen is still a top-flight climatologist—very much worth listening to even at his most heretical—his recent foray into politics leaves a lot to be desired.