This curious calf swam right up to me for a close encounter.
Paul Scholes is anticipating a close encounter at West Ham on Saturday.
According to MUFON, if you have a close encounter in the future, here are 8 things you should do.
This was a close encounter with a lemon shark taken in Bora Bora at 20 meters down at the dive site Tapu.
The galaxy's distorted shape is most likely the result of a close encounter with a smaller, unseen galaxy.
A close encounter with another star put the doomed star (orange circle) on a path that took it near a supermassive black hole.
This curious calf swam right up to me for a close encounter. I could not have asked for better shooting conditions in the water.
Astronomers said a star about the size of our sun neared the black hole after veering off course following a close encounter with another star.
Astronomers % said a star about the size of our sun neared the black hole after veering off course following a close encounter with another star.
Like many villagers in the area, he has had a close encounter with a tiger—spearing it through the thatched roof of his home as the cat was attacking his cousin.
Cats, dogs, and humans walking near a mockingbird nest, usually in urban and suburban areas, can expect a close encounter with an angry parent and even a sharp peck.
WASP-17 likely had a close encounter with a larger planet, and the gravitational interaction acted like a slingshot to put WASP-17 on its odd course, the astronomers figure.
天文学家们估计,WAPS - 17行星有可能和一颗较大的卫星又一次近距离接触,引力相互作用就好像弹弓,将WASP - 17放入奇怪的轨迹。
It seems that many people, of many different cultural backgrounds, find that they have very similar recollections when they are brought back from a close encounter with death.
The A380, after all, did not have the best start to the week - one of the enormous wings of the demonstration plane had a close encounter with a building as it taxied into the show on Sunday.
One encounter with a pack, whose appearances suggested a wolf in their close family tree, had almost brought a new meaning to the phrase "meals on wheels".
But new evidence suggests that the Magellanic Clouds have instead spent most of their careers farther away and are currently experiencing a rare close encounter with our galaxy.
It is, of course, better to do everything you can to avoid a the close encounter with a wild animal.
This is the last of a handful of LORRI images that New Horizons is sending "home" during its busy close encounter with Jupiter - hundreds of images and other data are being taken and stored onboard.
According to that article, it seems as though China is about to encounter a big calamity or insolvency and a major disaster is looming close by.
Such a lunar close encounter can cause slightly higher than normal ocean tides and localized flooding—especially if there is already a storm surge, astronomers say.
They allegedly had a very close encounter with a creature like a giant moray eel, which literally scared them out of the water.
They allegedly had a very close encounter with a creature like a giant moray eel, which literally scared them out of the water.