Taking the transmission of the automobile gearbox as an example. this paper introduces a dynamic analysis method.
In this paper, cluster centre and the distance from point to the cluster centre was defined, and a dynamic analysis method for plane point set was put forword.
So, a dynamic analysis method for the stability of anchored rock mass containing the continuous structural plane will be founded on the energy method in this article.
A dynamic analysis method using simulation technology for intermittent rotary sheet transfer mechanism was put forward. The process of mechanics simulation based on SIMULINK was introduced.
This paper builds up a dynamic analysis method for slope stability, an accelerated deformation prediction model for mid and long-term, and two modifying prediction models for temporary sliding.
After a brief description of the inertia vibrating mechanism with twin axles, the analysis and optimization method of dynamic model with two degrees freedom.
Using the synthetic method of both finite element and modal analysis searches after a basic way of dynamic Safety design.
Based on "modified variational method", a new dynamic analysis approach of aircraft panels has been derived in this paper.
A modal value analysis method is presented to obtain a reduced-order dynamic model with modal coordinates for structures with small damping or without damping.
A new dynamic fault tree analysis method based on discrete-time Bayesian networks is proposed.
A substructuring method for structural dynamic response analysis is presented in this paper.
In a dynamic system analysis with the method of state variable, when the system is more complex, the selection of state-variable has some difficulties.
Five prospective gas plays are outlined by means of a method of integral, dynamic and comprehensive basin analysis and synthesis prediction of oil and gas pool formation.
Authors suggest a practical method based on dynamic analysis of finite element for modifying natural frequencies of hull grillage beam, and its software is completed.
A novel modeling method, two-dimensional dynamic principal component analysis (2ddpca), was developed for monitoring batch process transition in author's previous work.
Considering the judgment of dynamic instability of truss structures, a stress rate method for dynamic instability analysis of truss structures was proposed.
In this paper, a method of stochastic process extreme analysis for the dynamic reliability of train-bridge system under random winds is proposed.
This paper presents a substructure method of static sensitivity analysis of light car white body to simulate the dynamic sensitivity analysis of bus.
Through summing up along with analysis, a new overall dynamic balancing method that modified linkages section parameters is obtained.
A simplified method for the dynamic analysis of the structure-foundation interaction of offshore platforms is presented in this paper.
Dynamic analysis of structure through combining the finite element method with the experimental mode is a practical reliable and effective modern method.
A fast analysis method for structural static and dynamic performances was studied in order to increase the efficiency of structural collaborative optimization.
A new analysis method has been provided for dynamic load identification of a discrete system intime domain, it solves the inverse problem by means of Duhamel integral in forward analysis.
For dynamic reliability analysis of stochastic structures under non-stationary random excitation, a new dynamic reliability assessment method is presented based on the point estimation.
The motion lag of struck ship has been evaluated by a simplified analytical method based on momentum transfer analysis and calibrated by dynamic fluid-structure coupling F.
While apply the technique of meshing clearance to the back push type sabot and front push type sabot, we have provided a transient dynamic analysis of this method using ANSYS.
This paper presents a substructure generalized mode synthesis method applied to the gun dynamic analysis.
The theory and solution of the lever analogy are systematically given, and the method is generalized to become a common one of dynamic analysis for planetary transmission.
A method, based on analysis of time domain and frequency domain, applied in dynamic balance of hydro-generator rotor is presented.
A method, based on analysis of time domain and frequency domain, applied in dynamic balance of hydro-generator rotor is presented.