There were the first signs of trouble in paradise last year, however, with prime property in certain areas in Ireland and the US showing a fall in price.
The flag-fall price of a taxi in Shanghai has risen to 11 yuan from 10 yuan during the daytime.
Colas and root beer are substitutes, and a fall in the price ofroot beer (resulting in an increase in the consumption of root beer) will tend to decrease the demandfor colas.
A 10% increase in the price of calories results in a fall in BMI of one to two points over 20 to 30 years.
An HFT might, for instance, lock in a high price by submitting a large sell order to a dark pool just as the exchange price of a share begins to fall.
After a fall in the export price, you want the local currency to depreciate against the dollar.
Inflation increases the price of exports, but, especially if it is modest, is likely to be offset by a fall in the value of the dollar relative to foreign currencies.
When the price of an asset falls as a result of speculative activity, the speculators are blamed. That's like blaming a thermometer for a fall in temperature.
In a rational market, we should see big price cuts this fall, especially as the last of the old models go on sale.
Only a fall in the price can hope to restore balance to the market, by boosting demand and restricting scrap supplies.
While a holder can expect to get repaid in full at maturity, the price of longer-term Treasuries could fall sharply in the interim if yields rise.
Had they bought with the Yen around 75 to the dollar, they have gained through a 5% fall in the yen and the re-bounding gold price of $10 since yesterday.
In the past, Intel has argued that its actions are simply rigorous competition, and that a steep fall in the price of microprocessors over recent years is a sign of a healthy market.
Shortly afterwards, a glut of solar panels led to a fall of about a quarter in the price of building a solar farm.
But while it is easy to bet on a rise in the future price of some asset, simply by buying the asset, it is not so easy to bet on a fall in that price.
Now, they are hoping that the price doesn't fall because they're announcing it with news and,in a sense, issuing the stock dividend is just a way to make it dramatic.
If you're planning to rent a car as part of a fall trip, you need to make sure to avoid a few price gouges that the rental companies have in store for you if you aren't careful.
Having commodities priced in dollars has also meant that a fall in the dollar's value doesn't lead to a rise in the price of imports.
And as the Banks have already discovered, the more a rights issue appears to be imminent, the bigger the fall in the share price and the harder it is to get the issue away.
The first was a fall in the oil price from its $147-a-barrel peak. The second was the rescue of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and some better-than-expected results from the banking sector.
Nordstrom, a department-store group, reported a 68% fall in fourth-quarter net profit, thanks to a decline in margins prompted by price cuts.
But a big price fall started in about 1996, so that by 2000 RAM was about 107 per dollar.
In August the bank's monetary-policy committee (MPC) forecast that consumer-price inflation would fall back to its official 2% target, but only after a period of economic weakness had drawn its sting.
On top of all that – and as well as the troubles handed to him by former CEO Terry Semel – Yang also presided over a sharp fall in Yahoo's share price.
除此之外 还有前任CEO特里·塞梅尔(Terry Semel) 遗留下来的很多问题. 历经如此种种 杨致远终于看到雅虎的股价遭受暴跌.
Tin was a key commodity in the commerce, and because it was often exchanged for tea with inland dealers, its rise, and fall in price could affect tea profits.
The flag-fall price of a taxi in Shanghai, which covers the first 3 kilometers of a trip, has risen to 11 yuan from 10 yuan during the daytime.
The flag-fall price of a taxi in Shanghai, which covers the first 3 kilometers of a trip, has risen to 11 yuan from 10 yuan during the daytime.