The rumours of a petrol shortage turned out to be a false alarm.
He reported it as a false alarm to his superiors, and hoped to hell he was right.
The two rushed to the Cleveland Clinic, where they found out it was a false alarm.
Someone shouted 'fire', but in fact it was a false alarm and there were no signs of fire.
Policeman: it seems that there is not my job here. This seems that it's been a false alarm.
The last deflation scare, after the Internet bubble burst in 2000, turned out to be a false alarm.
Gregory's model finds the probability that the six-planet model is a false alarm is 99.9978 percent.
A Psych Ward orderly walks out and tells the inmates that it was a false alarm and guides them in back inside.
Fortunately, it turned out to be a false alarm because a careless customer mistakenly set the fire alarm off.
To counter the risk of a false alarm, the regulator would reserve the right to declare a bank solvent after an audit.
Suddenly, a gust of wind blowing, leaves and fly away, it relieved patted her chest, said: "It's a false alarm ah! ""
Products and companies have been driven out of existence by it, and sometimes the warning turns out to have been a false alarm.
In the event of a false alarm or if the fire has been put out at its early stage , inform relevant Housekeeping shift leader to resume normal working.
But it was rather a false alarm as the upside follow through in crude prices proved elusive when later in the trading session stocks moved into negative territory.
Petrov was initially praised for his cool head but later came under criticism and was, for a while, made the scapegoat for the false alarm.
The false alarm about Spanish cucumbers will further scuff Germany’s image in a neighbourhood where it has not been popular lately.
The consequence of a false-negative error is that you and your entire family are dead when the alarm fails to go off when there is a fire.
The false alarm about Spanish cucumbers will further scuff Germany's image in a neighbourhood where it has not been popular lately.
Recognition algorithms for small moving target in strong noise based on single feature has a high false alarm. Sometimes the features of target and noise are very alike.
The simulation result shows that VPSD is a kind of constant false alarm rate detector, which can detect HFM signal effectively in low SNR, and can adapt to the Doppler mismatch very well.
The simulation result shows that VPSD is a kind of constant false alarm rate detector, which can detect HFM signal effectively in low SNR, and can adapt to the Doppler mismatch very well.