Ed Rothstein's book, Emblems of Mind, a fascinating book emphasizing the relationship between mathematics and music, touches implicitly on the reading protocols for mathematics.
EdRothstein 的《心灵的象征》,是本迷人的书,强调数学和音乐之间的关系,触及了数学阅读的原则。
The associate professor of public policy, who is affiliated with Harvard, has written a fascinating book called Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age, due out in September.
这位哈佛大学的公共政策副教授最近写了一本有趣的书,叫做《删除:数字数代遗忘的好处》(Delete:TheVirtue of Forgettingin the DigitalAge),将在 9 月份出版上市。
The book deals with a fascinating period in French history, but it left me wanting to know more about the Zodiac of Dendera itself.
In this book he explores a range of fascinating topics - like gene networks, auto-catalytic sets, rugged landscapes.
The project blog has just put up a fascinating (to me, at least) post about the way in which they've calculated what they believe is a reasonably accurate count of every book in the world.
His book contains a lot of fascinating detail about the different physical, chemical and evolutionary processes at work.
According to Stephanie Coontz in her fascinating book Marriage, a History, if the wife was the head of the household, the husband wasn't just an object of contempt-he was a criminal.
While the book makes for fascinating cocktail chatter, critics say the anecdotes don't support any larger theory. Still, it's a brainy airport buy that few readers second-guess.
In his new book, Marcus du Sautoy, a professor of mathematics at Oxford University, gives a fascinating account of the long quest to unearth the mathematics of symmetry.
牛津大学数学教授Marcusdu Sautoy在其新书中对揭示对称的数学的长征进行了引人入胜的描述。
That's what MIT professor Sherry Turkle observes in her new book, Alone Together, a fascinating portrait of our changing relationship with technology.
这正是麻省理工学院教授Sherry Turkle在她的新书《一起孤独(Alone Toge ther)》中所观察到的,该书对我们因科技而改变的人际关系作了引人入胜的刻画。
The book provides beneficial text for an academic and professional audience and serves as a source of knowledge for anyone who is interested in the fascinating subject of alkaloids.
书为学术性和专业读者提供有利的正文并且为任何人作为一个知识的来源, 对生物碱的迷人的主题感兴趣。
The book contains a fascinating portrait of life at the court of Henry VIII.
Are caterpillars, worms, and eels different kinds of snakes? Are whales really big fish? This fascinating book explores what makes a living thing and how living things are grouped.
Are caterpillars, worms, and eels different kinds of snakes? Are whales really big fish? This fascinating book explores what makes a living thing and how living things are grouped.