Hundreds of occupational surnames are at once familiar to us, or at least recognizable after a little thought: Archer, Carter, Fisher, Mason, Thatcher, Taylor, to name but a few.
See, in America cellphones work a little differently. There are very few "pay-as-you-go" plans, so most people sign a contract for a six-month or one-year plan.
You need a little stock market history to flesh out the past few days and turn them into a road map for the next nine months or so, but I think the outlines are there.
The result is almost a kind of magic — by following a few simple rules, a J2EE application can automatically gain transactional semantics with little or no additional component code.
Okay, well, there are a few circumstances where you have little choice, like when it's blacker than the black heart of Socialist Nazi Terrorist, or in daylight when you need a little fill.
They may have a little fun chasing each other or running off a few birds from your bird feeder.
What we're realizing is the biosphere doesn't care whether you have a lot of people consuming a little or a few people consuming a lot.
For those who'd like to do little things to show their gratitude, to a specific person or to life in general, here are a few ideas that work for me.
Who would you be if you played a little more, did something wildly creative, or took a few more risks with your life?
She would return weary, take a light supper and retire to bed after playing a little music or reading a few pages, something which had never happened to her before.
A little bread or a few potatoes would have done as well, with less trouble and filth.
There may be a few things that need fixing, but a great girlfriend adjusts to imperfections and can accept the fact that your hair style is a little bit different or that your weight is over.
Compounding matters, many traffic laws can be broken just a little-say, driving a few miles per hour faster than the speed limit, or rolling slowly past a stop sign instead of coming to a halt.
She rose, a little stiff, took a few daffodils, and went down. She hated breaking the flowers, but she wanted just one or two to go with her.
But with its few members, little land and scanty funds a small Co. operative cannot operate on a large scale or use machinery.
After a night or two of little sleep, study show that the body and brain can fully recover with a few nights of good sleep.
I'm going to get a few crackers or cookies first Billy likes a little snack when he gets home from school.
Just a few little pills in a pouch that you can stash in your car, pocket, or briefcase.
On their reasons, no more than a few situations: at work wearing a loose blouse, eat a small snack from time to time, give us some incentives or comfort, little did not alert.
People are always longing for a quiet winter, such as a few people sitting in the sun or playing CARDS, still sported snow on the roof of not fully open, little by little dripping.
When I came here last, a few years back, this was a lovely little village. But then there must have been a flood or a landslide or a fire. The only sure thing is that everybody's dead.
If you're thinking of buying a mountain bike, I suggest doing a little homework first, check out a few different bikes in your local bike shop or read a few MTB Reviews.
If you're thinking of buying a mountain bike, I suggest doing a little homework first, check out a few different bikes in your local bike shop or read a few MTB Reviews.