Doing just one of these a few times a week is better than nothing.
For the first month don’ t just exercise a few times a week, but every day.
Call someone you love back home a few times a week, even if just for a few minutes.
You can get 10-15 minutes of high-noon sun exposure in warmer climates a few times a week.
All you HAs to do is get a walk a few times a week, and you'll see benefits. Start the habit.
Kato says he visits the bar a few times a week, sometimes spending all night deep in discussion.
Practice breathing in each position for two to three minutes, a few times a week if not every day.
Now, I am doing my best to actually try to take one a few times a week even if only for a few minutes.
A few times a week, I sit at the kitchen table and pay bills, fill out forms, deal with invitations, etc.
Mexicans generally eat chillies several times per day, while Americans only eat chillies a few times a week.
If you're struggling to get rid of those love handles, then buy a scale and weigh yourself a few times a week.
If you can, I would really suggest you make an effort to have some quiet time by yourself at least a few times a week.
"Vigorous exercise a few times a week reduces your stress levels, and likely cortisol the stress hormone," Sonpal says.
Our expenses around them are less than average, because I telecommute a few times a week and car pool with a buddy occasionally.
She recalls the biggest surprise was that her hair didn't get very greasy. For now, she's using shampoo bars a few times a week.
An American heart Association (AHA) survey found that lifting weights a few times a week can improve heart health in some people.
They started meeting each other a few times a week, but they were not discreet and were soon the talk of both the faculty and students.
She didn't qualify for unemployment benefits and goes to the Goodwill Job Center in Austin, Texas, a few times a week for computer classes.
Since you need to challenge a muscle regularly for it to build and keep strength, it's a good idea to practice this action a few times a week.
Parking just 3 blocks away (6 blocks round trip) from your intended destination, just a few times a week, will very simply increase your activity level.
Try and set aside an hour a day, or at least a few times a week. Make an appointment with your desk - preferably the same time each day - and stick to it...
After carefully studying a portion of the storyline I would meet with the Brothers to discuss that particular sequence. This would happen a few times a week.
When insomnia symptoms occur more than a few times a week and impact a person's daily life, the symptoms should be discussed with the appropriate health care provider.
Call it mad money or an allowance, it's important that you allow her to buy that pair of shoes without feeling guilty, and for him to have lunch out of the office a few times a week.
She is suing, along with a 15-year-old who also ate McDonald's a few times a week, claiming the company deliberately tried to mislead the public into think its products are healthy.
Among families in the Pew survey with kids under 18, 50% say the family dinner is a daily ritual; 34% say they eat together a few times a week. About 14% say they rarely or never eat together.
No one is advocating tucking into massive rib eyes or a rack of ribs every day, but if you choose lean cuts and have them a few times a week, lean red meat can be a positive addition to your diet.
Returning to the gym example, rather than trying to start out by going 5 times a week for an hour at a time, try to go three times a week for 30 minutes for the first few weeks.
While running a few miles together a couple of times a week is enjoyable, you each bring to the table different life circumstances, ability levels, and current training levels.
While running a few miles together a couple of times a week is enjoyable, you each bring to the table different life circumstances, ability levels, and current training levels.