When you're a financial institution you can't fool around. It's all about confidence.
Widely used to finance trade and, when discounted with a financial institution, to obtain credit.
Commercial bank - a financial institution that offers a variety of services, including savings and loans.
This section shows an example of the construction and use of a business glossary within a financial institution.
So we should regulate that the unit also could commit crime of defrauding a financial institution of loans.
If you were a CEO of a financial institution, what model would you use to try to drive regulatory compliance?
In the future, the FDIC would inform a financial institution much earlier on that it intends to wind the firm down.
Assume you know of a financial institution that provides a loan approval service and is described by Listing 2 below.
This step is similar to what happens to an individual seeking to obtain a personal loan from a financial institution.
This is J. P. Morgan's second purchase of a financial institution left vulnerable by the subprime mortgage crisis.
Commercial Bank a financial institution that provides services such as a accepting deposits and giving business loans.
A delivery system and method allow a financial institution to provide financial services to a plurality of remote devices.
When you say bank, it can mean a financial institution, it can mean an action of an aeroplane or it can mean the side of a river.
It also affects the overall operation of a financial institution as running different systems is operationally less efficient.
It's almost as if the higher the rating of a financial institution, the more likely it was to contribute to financial catastrophe.
Article 16 a financial institution shall establish a clients' identity identification system according to the relevant provisions.
Article 19 a financial institution shall establish a preservation system for its clients' identity materials and transactional records.
The same thought should apply when judging how to measure the performance of a financial institution—namely, whether it is fit for purpose.
Consensus has emerged on one point: the need for clear responsibility when the failure of a financial institution threatens the entire economy.
In the analysis of financial data the tail of the distribution imply the serious loss of a financial institution led by potential disastrous events.
In this scenario, the consumer information resides on the server of a financial institution or a digital wallet vendor rather than on the user's PC.
The point was that people see the world differently, and that as a financial institution, they understand that and are flexible enough to act accordingly.
If the property of a financial institution or post office was taken, or if the taking of such property was an object of the offense, increase by 2 levels.
Some people have told he should regret having "wasted" nearly two decades working for a financial institution when he could have been working for the Lord.
Some people have told me I should regret having "wasted" nearly two decades working for a financial institution when I could have been working for the Lord.
For example, picture a financial institution that stores data about its customers' stock portfolios in a relational database system such as MySQL, DB2, or Oracle.
例如,假设一个这样的财务机构,它将有关其客户股票投资组合的数据存储在一个关系数据库系统中,比如MySQL、DB 2或Oracle。
In a loan dispute taking CD as manifestation, the type and effect of evidence that supplied by a financial institution to exempt or lighten his blame are analyzed.
Article 20 a financial institution shall, according to the relevant provisions, implement the reporting system of large sum transactions and doubtful transactions.
Article 20 a financial institution shall, according to the relevant provisions, implement the reporting system of large sum transactions and doubtful transactions.