A freshwater fish of the family Anabantidae, native to Africa and southeast Asia and including the gourami and climbing perch.
A freshwater fish(Lota lota) of the Northern Hemisphere, related to and resembling the cod and having barbels on the nose and chin.
The Australian grayling, a freshwater fish, graduated from "vulnerable" to "near threatened" thanks to fish ladders at dams and other protection measures.
A freshwater fish (Anabas testudineus) of tropical Asia, having modified gills allowing it to breathe air and pectoral fins adapted for traveling on land.
These are the animals chosen for the mission: Lynx, Fox, Wolf, Wolverine, Mouse, Pike (a freshwater fish), and dogfish (a kind of small shark — dogfish is a funny name for a shark, isn't it?)
It's a Chinese paddlefish known as "king of all national freshwater fish".
A paper from Science of the Total Environment shows that the largest freshwater fish in China might have gone extinct between 2005 and 2010. Wei Qiwei, author of the paper, said in September, 2019, some experts supposed that the first-class protected fish had been extinct already.
Mosquitofish, freshwater fish with a taste for mosquito larvae, are highly social.
The oceans have become more acidic as a result of the buildup of greenhouse gases, and the warming of rivers and lakes is affecting freshwater fish and other species.
Over a fifth of the world's freshwater fish species of a century ago are now endangered or extinct. Half the world's wetlands have also disappeared over the past 100 years.
Now Dogfish (the small shark) took the bag and pulled it along a good way, and finally Pike (the freshwater fish) managed to inch it along some more.
Looking for all the world like the cross between an alligator, a fish and dinosaur, the alligator gar is the largest freshwater fish in America.
A New Guinea has some of the most beautiful freshwater fishes found anywhere including gobies gudgeons and rainbow fish.
A New Guinea has some of the most beautiful freshwater fishes found anywhere, including gobies, gudgeons and rainbow fish.
A freshwater food and game fish (Stizostedium vitreum) of North America, having large staring eyes.
A small North American freshwater fish (Stizostidion canadense) having a spotted, spiny dorsal fin.
一种产于北美的小型淡水鱼(鰤鲈) ,长有带斑点的刺状脊鳍。
A small, edible, freshwater fish (Dallia pectoralis) that inhabits streams and ponds of Alaska and Siberia and is noted for its ability to withstand freezing.
It was his first trophy in a project to identify and study the world's largest freshwater fish in the hope of slowing their extinction.
European freshwater food fish having a greenish back.
Any of various North American fishes, such as a freshwater whitefish of the genus Coregonus or a Marine fish of the genus Kyphosus.
"Freshwater fish convenient food further process technology" is a national 948 subject, the mainly content of this subject is focused on facture and forming surimi of freshwater fish.
Perhaps the most celebrated element of Hubei cuisine is the Wuchang fish, a freshwater bream that is commonly steamed.
This area has boundless paddy fields and developed freshwater fishery and is rich in paddy. It is a famous land of fish and rice in China.
It is reported that this is the largest freshwater fishing in Jilin record, in the national freshwater fishing in such a big fish is also rare.
European freshwater fish having a flattened body and silvery scales; of little value as food.
Perch: snub-nosed bony freshwater fish with an oval body and a spiny dorsal fin; the flesh of this fish is highly valued.
"Tattoo fish" called the parrot fish, is a widely cultivated throughout tropical freshwater aquarium fish, the prices are different because of color.
"Tattoo fish" called the parrot fish, is a widely cultivated throughout tropical freshwater aquarium fish, the prices are different because of color.