Despite her handicap, Jane is able to hold down a full-time job.
Fostering is a full-time job and you should carefully consider how it will fit into your career.
Running the website has almost turned into a full-time job.
These are people who may previously have felt the need to get a full-time job that provided insurance in order to cover themselves and their families.
I don't know how she copes with looking after her family and doing a full-time job.
It's not a full-time job but it pays well.
Hers was a full-time job rather than an internship.
Keeping up with these lists becomes near impossible, a full-time job.
These spells last for months at a time, and caring for him is a full-time job.
I could make ends meet with a full-time job, but how would that work with the kids?
With a family and school and a full-time job, there just weren't enough hours in the day.
Before getting caught up in a full-time job, I realized my dream by taking a trip to India in April.
Most of the people attracted to careers in direct selling aren't looking for it to be a full-time job.
"I'm constantly moving," she says. "Outside of a full-time job, I sit on three boards, so I keep busy."
Japanese and Australian workers are most likely to be working part-time, when they'd prefer a full-time job.
At one time I would have been prepared to do that, but mybusiness has grown too big now, and it's a full-time job.
Managing projects is a full-time job and taking your eye off the ball (even for a short period) can lead to problems.
The typical caregiver already has a full-time job, and helping an elderly or disabled loved one can feel like a second.
In the past a decent coach in the 5-11 age group wanting a full-time job would have to move up to 17-18 years old level.
I just never had time to write. With a family and school and a full-time job, there just weren't enough hours in the day.
"I was digging holes for planting trees," recalls Li, who now has a full-time job at a dinosaur museum built at that very site.
The Nigerian man has made marriage a full-time job, taking 107 brides who produced 185 children, the Los Angeles Times reported.
Although I'd chosen the cheaper option of transitioning on the NHS, failure to maintain a full-time job could still stop me in my tracks.
Distinguishing between fact and conjecture would be a full-time job if the club bothered to address every whisper emanating from the street.
The average job search abroad ranges between six to 12 months, and searching for a job in any country is a full-time job itself, Hansen says.
She was involved in a messy divorce with her third husband, and could not go back to work because caring for her son had become a full-time job.
She was involved in a messy divorce with her third husband, and could not go back to work because caring for her son had become a full-time job.