The child ate some fruit and biscuits, and being thirsty, she drank a glass of wine which stood nearly filled.
A glass of wine revived the tired traveller.
Tell your friends to drop in for a glass of wine or a cup of tea.
The blond groom poured Lucy a glass of wine and smiled knowingly.
Imagine for a moment that you are on the deck of a ship, sipping a glass of wine.
At happy hour, you pour a glass of wine from bottles set out in the common area.
A glass of wine or half of the rolling red beer will be drunk as I can be a gesture.
And this despite the evidence: damning Facebook photos of her drinking a glass of wine.
He turned on all his charm, shaking the groom's hand, toasting him with a glass of wine.
For many people, a glass of wine helps make food feel like it's going down more smoothly.
Sometimes I need a glass of wine, and when I say a glass, I mean a bottle. True or False.
But what good can a few rashers of bacon, a glass of wine and a scoop of icecream be doing for you?
Sometimes I like to go out, sometimes I like to sut at home with candlelight and a glass of wine.
Each sentence ends with a silly exclamation point-he was young, he was cheerful, maybe he'd had a glass of wine.
It's only half a glass of wine per serving and quite refreshing, especially in the dry heat of winter-time homes.
But then she wondered uneasily if it would be all right if she sat in the bar by herself and had a glass of wine.
Mix in zero-calorie drinks. After enjoying one sweet drink and maybe a glass of wine, stick with water or diet soda.
Drink a glass of wine, coffee, or tea, read a good book, or watch a good movie. Look at old photographs and reminisce.
A glass of wine every day has unbelievable health benefits, and it helps you wind down after a stressful or active day.
I eat well but I don't eat as healthily as I could. I don't drink much but I like a glass of wine or beer every so often.
While checking in, Campeche sat on our editor's shoulder and peeked into his backpack for a treat, a trick or a glass of wine.
A drink, a glass of wine or a pint of beer is often regarded as a symbol of leisure or breaking away from the everyday routine.
A drink, a glass of wine or a pint of beer is often regarded as a symbol of leisure or breaking away from the everyday routine.