Wayne Rooney he's got a good character and hyperactive. He makes me laugh.
A person should have a good character, the result of a pursuit, a conscience and self-confidence!
Hope him: a good character with high quality and enterprising ideas for peace, ability economic good.
A good character is more expensive than gold; the former is a natural gift, the latter is a gift of fate.
Likewise, if a man has a good character, that should be enough: what need is there to seek refinement in learning?
They told me you had been to her, And mentioned me to him: She gave me a good character, But said I could not swim.
Worth one's salt: Very worthy either because he has a good character or because he is a competent and valuable worker.
Is to be a sentence, if the girls and learning, in particular good, they will make up a good character and very stubborn.
It didn't go his way but we will stand up and support him until the end because he is a good character and I am sure he will be back.
A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered.
Those who deserve a good character, ought to have the satisfaction of knowing that they have it, both as a reward and as an encouragement.
To practice Filial piety to perfection, we must develop a good character and bring benefit to the society and nation, thus shedding glory on our parents.
Since my childhood, I've been always trying to cultivate a good character, paying attention to polite manners and noble ideas, and I am strict with myself in my speech and behavior.
Quality-oriented education's basic target is the cultivation of high qualified talents and the guidance of building a good character for educates, which is significant to higher education in China.
That means the kind of music that builds the kind of character a good citizen or a future leader would need.
He's a good boy, but very light and volatile in character, and simply cannot hold his tongue.
At least they have demonstrated that when companies get into trouble with the law, evidence of good character can win them a less costly punishment.
But at least they have demonstrated that when companies get into trouble with the law, evidence of good character can win them a less costly punishment.
Self-awareness means having a good understanding of our own character, that is, having the ability to see ourselves clearly.
Arthur Conan Doyle, himself a physician, imbued his character with the kind of keen observational skills so essential to a good physician.
If you want to match a pattern multiple times within a character sequence, the above code snippets are a good place to start.
When some film critics drew up lists of Hollywood's 50 greatest good guys and 50 greatest baddies, the only character to appear on both lists was a robot, the Terminator.
The scientists concluded that, although we know people are different from each other, a good judge of character knows that in many ways people are mostly alike.
Often when we call a character "flat" we mean that the author has failed in some way; however, many good stories require flat characters.
Gabriel Oak was a sensible man of good character, who had been brought up by his father as a shepherd, and then managed to save enough money to rent his own farm on Norcombe Hill, in Dorset.
Because we take it as a matter of faith that the people are good, we are no longer alert to arrangements that may corrode the character of the nation.
Kuang is said to be a top student with "good character and strong leadership". He has won several prizes in English, physics and math contests, according to the Yangtze Evening Post.
The obvious remedy is to create a feminine character with all the strength of Superman plus all the allure of a good and beautiful woman.
The obvious remedy is to create a feminine character with all the strength of Superman plus all the allure of a good and beautiful woman.