Think 15 bucks for those sassy red heels is a great bargain?
The price of items in bulk is generally a great bargain.
I wouldn't say that the cruise was a great bargain, but I feel that we got our money's worth.
This is a great bargain compared to DDF price for the same toner, I wish there was no coloring in it though.
Finding a bargain in the sales (41 per cent) and a cup of tea (39 per cent) were also among the favourite feel great moments.
Stop impulse buying. Every $10 mistake you would have picked up in the bargain bin goes to a really great wardrobe.
After a great deal of haggling they managed to strike a bargain.
The U. S. is the premier destination for foreign students, and represents a great educational bargain.
The company's share price has fallen so low that it could be a great chance for either of the businessmen to snap up shares at bargain prices.
Says one long-time weekend bargain hunter, "In the back of your mind you have the hope of finding some fabulous painting stored away somewhere or something else of great value for a bargain price."
Great long-term investors, such as Warren Buffett, believe that US stock prices are still a relative bargain, even after the recent bounce-back in the major averages.
像巴菲特(Warren Buffett)这样出色的长线投资者认为,即使是在最近主要股指反弹之后,美国股价仍相对较低。
Great long-term investors, such as Warren Buffett, believe that US stock prices are still a relative bargain, even after the recent bounce-back in the major averages.
像巴菲特(Warren Buffett)这样出色的长线投资者认为,即使是在最近主要股指反弹之后,美国股价仍相对较低。