Helping the market to recover is a housing shortage and a fall in interest rates.
The booming economy and a massive urbanisation programme has created a housing shortage and driven up prices beyond the reach of many aspirational young Chinese.
While residents of Iqaluit welcome the idea of a deepwater port, they wonder how a town of 6,000 with a housing shortage can accommodate the 500 military personnel that would come with it.
While residents of Iqaluit welcome the idea of a deepwater port, they wonder how a town of 6, 000 with a housing shortage can accommodate the 500 military personnel that would come with it.
The shortage of affordable housing is not exclusively a Beijingproblem.
Because there is no incentive to build new homes, Cuba suffers from a dire housing shortage.
Similar to many other robust real estate markets, Israel's housing market is fueled by a shortage of properties and record low interest rates.
Unplanned sprawl leads to a shortage of green space, strains transport systems, and makes it hard for businesses or housing developers to find sites.
A shortage of affordable housing has created severe overcrowding, and demographic changes have not helped.
"Excessive gains in prices are mainly due to a shortage of supply, and a major part of the demand for housing is due to unreasonable demand," Qi said.
This means that, although the town would thus more humane, but also areas of land as a less commercial housing development, commercial housing shortage situation increasingly significant.
More people living in cities will lead to a shortage of housing, which will lead to slums, which will lead to inadequate sanitation systems and increased vulnerability to extreme weather events.
Solving a housing crisis by building penthouses would be like trying to solve an automobile shortage by manufacturing Bentleys.
Overpopulation causes problems in housing and employment, and creates a shortage of schools, teachers, hospitals and doctors.
As a result, a nation will have more financial budget to reduce housing shortage, bettering medical service and even popularizing free education.
The shortage of affordable housing is not exclusively a Beijing problem.
A recent study indicated that the in the year 2000 the 6.5 million resident Bay Area had a shortage of 200,000 housing units.
A recent study indicated that the in the year 2000 the 6.5 million resident Bay Area had a shortage of 200,000 housing units.