I'd like to buy a keepsake for my girlfriend. Could you make a recommendation for me?
Now, that book is a keepsake and a part of history, and I will pass it on to my children.
When I gave them the taped letter as a keepsake, both his wife and son were moved to tears.
Use nice stationary and after Valentine's Day get the pages bound together so it can be a keepsake.
I'm not sure that a lot of people are going to read this book, but a lot of people might buy it as a keepsake.
I had them from my father, duman Stewart, and now give you one of them to be a keepsake for last night's work.
This carpet was found in Japan, probably once a keepsake of a Japanese soldierafter a Yuan naval invasion was repulsed.
Tongpa is not only an article for use in their daily life, but also a keepsake of love-promise or a kind of beautiful ornament.
As an embodiment, a keepsake is produced from iron by means of carburization, or a pair of gold-titanium rings is produced with at least 3% c.
This is the shocking moment a baby was allowed to crawl perilously close to the edge of a steep cliff in Norway so that her parents could snap a keepsake photograph.
Whether your goal is to create a stepping stone or some other form of keepsake related to your pet, creating a paw print mold is a way to personalize a one-of-a-kind item.
You think this a mere symbolic keepsake, then?
He encourages them to attend the Channing familys estate auction and to buy a particular keepsake.
Jade as a gift, keepsake or mascot widely used in daily life or kind of occasion. It is a first-choice gift for relatives, friends to express love, emotion, regards or pray for safety.
Michael Jackson Opus - an Official Tribute a Great Gift and Keepsake For Future Generations.
Not only will this make the transition easier, but it will also be a nice keepsake to look back on.
Not only will this make the transition easier, but it will also be a nice keepsake to look back on.