If you're lucky, you'll be blown a kiss and it maybe make your headache go away.
When Hattie heard me suck in a breath, she broke away from Matthew's kiss and whipped her head round.
When you never forget to kiss each other good night, you create a life raft, and you can't float away so quickly because you acknowledge each other, pause, connect and express your love.
I want a boy who will move the hair away from my eyes, and then kiss me.
With a smile I had to really dig for, I blew him a kiss, turned and walked away.
She frowned at his facetiousness - a pretty, adorable frown that made him put his arm around her kiss it away.
It seems as though your eyes had flown away, and it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth.
He has been here once three months ago, and didn't take away anything even a kiss.
Those smooth cheeks you have, oh, I wished I could've given you a kiss right away.
We would wipe away the lipstick with a fake disgusted look on our face but a disguised pleasure in our heart, for we finally got a rare kiss from our own mother.
Winston Churchill used to say famously, "you never kiss a person who's leaning away from you."
It seems as though your eyes had flown away. And it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth!
The child walks and runs and rides a bike; he is stricken with the pangs of first love that we are powerless to kiss away.
While I was getting into the train it started. I leaned out of the window to kiss her goodbye, and kissed instead an old farmer in a field six miles away.
我有一次在我国旅游, 我女儿在月台送我, 我走进火车,它启动了, 我把头伸出窗子和我女儿吻别, 结果我吻到六英里以外田野里一个老农的脸。
While I was getting into the train it started. I leaned out of the window to kiss her goodbye, and kissed instead an old farmer in a field six miles away.
我有一次在我国旅游, 我女儿在月台送我, 我走进火车,它启动了, 我把头伸出窗子和我女儿吻别, 结果我吻到六英里以外田野里一个老农的脸。