What he's doing is he's actually setting up these offices of the early church to look kind of like a law court.
In case such consultation or conciliation fails, the disputes may be submitted to arbitration or a law court for settlement.
And there's a law court model that he stands on our place, receives the penalty due to us because of our violation of the law.
Neither party may bring a suit before a law court or make a request to any other organization for revising the arbitral award.
Chiefly British The central space in a law court, directly in front of the judge's bench, where the counsel or solicitor sits.
The arbitration so all take place in Benjing and binding up-on both parties; neither party shall seek recourse to a law court or other authorities for revising the decision.
Once used as a law court, the hall has held several notable trials, including that of Sir William Wallace (1305), the Gunpowder Plot conspirators (1606) and King Charles I (1649).
They were asked to behave with the gravity that was appropriate in a court of law.
According to American law, if someone is accused of a crime, he is considered innocent until the court proves the person is guilty.
While there may be insights to be gained from matching behavior to brain activity, those insights will not necessarily lead to justice in a court of law.
The state already has a "trigger law" on the books, which would ban most abortions, if the Supreme Court overturn Roe v Wade.
America's injured workers could sue for damages in a court of law, but they still faced a number of tough legal barriers.
On a five to three vote, the Supreme Court knocked out much of Arizona's immigration law Monday—a modest policy victory for the Obama Administration.
In 2008 the Supreme Court agreed, denying a challenge to Indiana's law, and ruling that an ID requirement does not constitute an undue burden.
But the EPA under Mr Bush rejected the law, despite a ruling from the Supreme Court that the Clean Air Act could be applied to greenhouse gases.
A lot of your works have been in the law, in cultural policy, in the Supreme Court.
With little hope of getting a gay marriage bill signed into law in Albany, advocates marshaled forces for a court fight.
Nevertheless the plaintiffs filed a claim against Chevron under this law in 2003 in a court in Lago Agrio.
The E.U. court was ruling on a Spanish law that permits fathers to request breast-feeding leave only in cases where the mother works full-time.
The e. U. court was ruling on a Spanish law that permits fathers to request breast-feeding leave only in cases where the mother works full-time.
The attorney general had also asked the judge to stop implementation of the law until a higher court rules on its constitutionality.
“The data in their studies don’t appear to be reliable enough to use in a court of law,” Phelps said.
"Our technique was designed to provide credible evidence that can be presented in a court of law," says Fung.
Murray's lawyer Charles Peckham said in a statement he expected his client's innocence to be "proven in a court of law."
So did Benjamin Cardozo, a 1930s Supreme Court justice and prolific scholar, who today has a law school named after him.
同样的还有Benjamin Cardozo,二十世纪三十年代高院法官和著名学者,如今有个以他命名的俄法学院。
For the tabloid, that was a useful mitigation in the court of public opinion, if not in law. No longer.
Or even that her life had some special meaning like they named a park after her, or a street or that the Supreme Court changed a law because of her.
And my legal training enables me to participate in the law school community by judging moot court competitions-a good way to build relationships.
And my legal training enables me to participate in the law school community by judging moot court competitions-a good way to build relationships.