If you're looking for a light meal or a healthy snack, then this is a good opinion.
This month we present three dishes that are perfect for a light meal on a warm Spring day.
Would you care for some tea, or even a light meal, to fortify yourself before your adventure?
Have a light meal before coming for treatment, especially Acupuncture. Do not over eat or come with an empty stomach.
But a light meal or snack will ensure that your stomach doesn't start rumbling loudly just as you're about to discuss your most brilliant accomplishment.
Once we have reached cruising altitude you will be offered a light meal and a choice of beverages-a word that sounds so much better than just saying 'drinks', don't you think?
The elegant new café offers a comfortable space where members can relax and enjoy a cup of coffee or a light meal while waiting for their caddies to take them to the teeing ground.
Choose your or his/her place, stay home, rent old holiday classics, light the fire and cook a simple but festive meal together.
Lunch: This meal should be light in both calories and fat, with some protein and high-quality carbs, such as a Turkey sandwich on whole grain bread with a fruit salad and glass of milk.
If you arrive home late, avoid caffeine and alcohol, eat a light and healthy meal rich in fruit and vegetables. This will help you sleep better.
The U.S. researchers advocate a big, fatty breakfast for optimum health, followed by a smaller lunch and a light evening meal.
We ate our evening meal, a light supper of cold cuts [2] and salad, just right for the end of a hot day.
It found that exposure to the light increases hunger levels for several hours and even increases hunger levels after eating a meal.
Most Americans have three regular meal a day: a simple breakfast in the morning, a light lunch at noon, and a big dinner in the evening.
One of the best ways to make a healthy meal for your family is to cook light.
If the thought of a big morning meal makes you queasy, have a little fruit and cottage cheese, a piece of toast with a light coating of peanut butter, or a small bowl of oatmeal and berries.
Eating too late: a light midnight snack may be fine, but a heavy meal too close to bedtime may leave you tossing and turning during the night.
Overlooking the city, with a view of the Sagrada Familia, Alaire offers a light, informal meal options to pair with an extensive list of cocktails and spirits.
A light midnight snack may be fine, but a heavy meal too close to bedtime may leave you tossing and turning during the night.
This salad is very popular among Rio's health-conscious youth. It is a great entrée and perfect for a nutritious light meal.
The meal typically ends with a light dessert. Strawberry and green tea mousse may be on the menu.
We don't need to go and light a fire to cook a meal, but how about avoiding the microwave?
When you haven't eaten all day and have had too much coffee, you usually don't want to sit down and have a 'light meal'.
Packed with fresh vegetables and a sesame dressing, this chicken salad is a light and refreshing meal perfect for summer nights.
Lunch is usually a very quick meal; most people have a sandwich or a light snack.
Lunch is usually a very quick meal; most people have a sandwich or a light snack.