I hungered for your touch a long lonely time, time goes by so slowly and time can do so much, are you still mine?
Being lonely for long periods of time is not a great feeling.
I'm lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when from the time being I feel empty and need filling up.
I'm lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up.
Cathy stared a long time at the lonely blossom trembling in its earthy shelter, and replied, at length.
After a time, do not know how long, I was a lonely man sitting with her may have been thought about how beautiful the sky, but now that he has no longer want such a problem.
If there is no courage to stay away from the coastline, lonely to drift in the sea for a long time, so you can not find the new world.
Yan However, the mood is always changing with him, because too much care about it but will not be able to endure the kind of lonely, always see him a long time, they hate them angry up.
I am lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up.
So, choose a friend out of the past, this time it is wise to re-start, her right hand a long lonely, so lonely can not let your left hand and then go on.
But it was a long time before, when I saw her. I didn't understand what I just you feel lonely bring you happy friends.
It turned out that this is only a dream, a poignant dream, but, the reality of my fascination with nostalgia like it, a lonely man standing at the window a long time could not leave.
I knew he was lonely for a long time, I know none of that happened in his mind the pain, but I do not know yet how to comfort the injured countless men.
I am lonely only when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up.
I'm lonely when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up.
Suddenly discovered that the station for a long time, do not know where to go, I also don't want to go home, then many people will only feel lonely accompany.
I am lonely when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up.
Those who can long time to be alone and do not feel lonely, because they will have their own interests, and for the highly-detailed, a sense can be said to be paranoid.
After God created Adam, and Adam had been in the Garden for a really long time, he started to get a little lonely.
My love, my darling I hunger for your touch a long, lonely time And time goes by, so slowly And time can do so much Are you still mine?
After a long time lonely life, I met a good guy maybe it's a largess god gave me, at the same time I found here came the happiness again.
If you thought for a long time with silence and felt lonely, you might as well open your lovely book. It supposing you relax and rich.
For so long a time, three hundred and sixty four days. I have found that I can stand the lonely life.
For so long a time, three hundred and sixty four days. I have found that I can stand the lonely life.