I can safely say that on the days when I lose a lot of sleep, I am a very grumpy and unapproachable individual.
It has to be said that the young Milton lost a lot of sleep over this passage.
Harvard researchers found that a lot of sleep (9 hours or more) is linked with poor sleep quality.
So don't count on getting a lot of sleep when Betelgeuse explodes, because the only sensible thing for the world to do will be to throw a weeks-long global supernova party.
Personality: as someone who has personally experienced this debilitating loss of sleep, I can safely say that on the days when I lose a lot of sleep, I am a very grumpy and unapproachable individual.
"Getting up in the morning requires a tremendous effort," she says. "a lot of people with ADHD have trouble shutting down at night-their brains are so overactive they can't sleep."
While the jury's still out on whether improvements in sleep will translate to increased focus during the day, it will likely result in fewer signs of sleep deprivation which can look a lot like ADHD.
Through a lot of experimentation and a bit of help from some very cool experts, I was able to take charge of my sleep and learn how to not just sleep, but find true rest.
One of the reasons I like to publicize these facts is that I think we can prevent a lot of insomnia and distress just by telling people that short sleep is o.k..
Which is a lot harder than it sounds; over the last couple of months I've realised how much I rely on being able to tweak my sleep.
So there is a lot good things to be said of being in a dormroom when you start your company because when you screwed up, you'll still have a place to sleep, you're not worried about making the rent.
Sleep experts say that with a little discipline (well, actually, a lot of discipline), most people can reset their circadian clocks.
We all know that babies can generate a lot of wetness while they sleep — thus the need for a waterproof cover.
They think they should sleep 8 or 9 hr., so they spend [that amount of time] in bed, with the result that they have trouble falling asleep and wake up a lot during the night.
I see a lot of students attempting polyphasic sleep but virtually none seem to be able to adapt to it successfully.
We found Yawnlog over on KillerStartups, where you'll find a lot of apps that look like they were written by people who aren't getting enough sleep but some good ones too.
Over the years, scientists have come up with a lot of ideas about why we sleep.
"I will sleep here. A lot of us we will sleep here," said Steven Taylor, 24 a protester who arrived equipped with a backpack and a sleeping bag.
At this time of year, a lot of children sleep rough outside shops or in the market.
It sounds like your revenge is costing you a heck of a lot of money, what remains of your hearing, and a good deal of sleep to boot.
A lot of people think that sleep is a kind of lazy, but in fact not, people in sleep time is also to consume function, and people's bad mood also will slow down after sleep.
But it turns out, a lack of sleep can affect you in a lot of ways that go beyond triggering those basic feelings.
A lot of people believe that "if they only knew." these pills help them sleep. All I can think is.
For a lot of us, it's the last thing we interact with before going to sleep and the first thing we check when we wake up.
A lot of people think that medicine helps them sleep, but all I can think is, "if they only knew."
A lot of people think that medicine helps them sleep, but all I can think is, "if they only knew."