The arrow itself has become a lucky charm for lovers when it pierces two hearts and binds them together.
When it comes to finding love, having a lucky charm on your side can make all the difference, according to the world's biggest dating site.
A lucky charm, karma matchmaker! The single received the fate is approaching, all lovers received best, married received family happiness! Wish you happy the Qixi Festival!
Later, rabbits were introduced in Britain from the other European countries, and since rabbits can be caught more easily than hares, the rabbit's foot replaced the hare's foot as a lucky charm.
Volunteers who had their lucky charm did better at a memory game on the computer, and other tests showed that this difference was because they felt more confident.
If you have a representative, partner, collaborator, or other middleman, this person will be your lucky charm.
She carefully unwrapped the cloth and handed a large, empty shell to Gordon and, in Thai, told me that the shell had been her lucky charm for more than 30 years.
It is also an obvious lucky charm for sailors, who regard the anchor as a promise of safe return from their voyages.
A pink gold heart set with diamonds and a pollen-gathering diamond and rhodolite garnet honey bee. Presented in a heart-shaped, lucky charm case.
A pink gold heart set with diamonds and a pollen-gathering diamond and rhodolite garnet honey bee. Presented in a heart-shaped, lucky charm case.