After a massive heart attack, he was strapped to a bed, with tubes in every orifice.
In 1995 he suffered a massive heart attack causing him to go into a coma for 20 days.
I had only returned a couple of months when my mother had a massive heart attack and died.
The cells reduce the mortality rate by 50 percent after a massive heart attack, " Lanza said."
He had suffered a massive heart attack and was rushed to the University Medical Center for quadruple-bypass surgery.
My husband, who is now 45 years old, lost his father to a massive heart attack twenty-three years ago, when his father was 51.
The operation saved his life, but what happened to him is everyone's nightmare: the patient with no family history of heart disease, whose first symptom is a massive heart attack.
手术挽救了他的生命。 发生在他身上的事对任何人来说都是噩梦:一个没有心脏病家族病史的人,首次出现症状就是一次致命的心脏病发作。
The artificial heart would initially be for patients who had suffered a massive heart attack or who had heart failure, but might eventually be used in patients who are not that sick.
Mrs Schiavo, then 26, suffered a heart attack that caused massive loss of oxygen to the brain.
Mrs Schiavo, then 26, suffered a heart attack that caused massive loss of oxygen to the brain.