But rather than accept the plaudits for his role in the demolition of Kevin Blackwell's side, Gerrard is keen to focus on what was a momentous occasion for his good friend, Carra.
And this is a really momentous occasion because we're celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Peace Corps and you are part of that 50th Anniversary group.
The achievement is reflected in the momentous occasion of a union divine that allows for a blissful encounter of the two.
We continue to believe that the World Cup is a momentous and historic occasion for SA and the continent and we are certain it will be a huge success.
You're weeks away from becoming a first-time father, and by now, countless friends and relatives have tried to prepare you for the momentous occasion by giving you well-meaning advice.
Keep looking to the future and let it fill your heart with joy, as it will be a truly momentous occasion unparalleled by any earlier experience in this cycle.
Keep looking to the future and let it fill your heart with joy, as it will be a truly momentous occasion unparalleled by any earlier experience in this cycle.