The easiest way to transfer money from a British bank account to a French one is by bank transfer: simply provide your British bank with the name, address and number of your French bank account.
A simple example of an activity service would be a bank transaction in which a customer transfers money from one account to another.
Even those shrewd enough to stick their money in a savings account have had to worry about the safety of the banks.
This money is kept in a bank account, and as compensation for the use of the customer's money the bank pays interest to the customer.
SR3: The system shall withdraw a given amount of money from the account, but only if the resulting balance is not negative.
Buying Power Amount of money available in a margin account to buy securities based on excess margin divided by the margin requirement.
That, of course, doesn't mean that you should justify every purchase with a basic "I want it and I have money in my account."
Now let's see how one common variant of 2PC (presumed abort) can be used to effect Waldo's transaction and move money from one account to another in a recoverable way.
Our example showed Waldo's transaction with two actions inside a common all-or-nothing activity: taking money out of one account and putting it into another account.
我们的例子显示了waldo事务,该事务具有两个属于普通的all - or - nothing活动的动作:从一个帐户中取款和把这笔款存放到另一个帐户。
1: I don't make a lot of money but every two weeks when I get paid I try to sock away twenty dollars in my savings account at the bank to buy a ring for the girl I want to marry.
Well then head over to your bank right now and donate that amount of money into a complete stranger’s bank account.
We accept money as a means of payment, as a unit of account and, most importantly in this context, as a store of value.
But raising money is hard: loans to such firms account for only a small part of the total lending by those state-controlled Banks (see chart 4).
If you're earning 1.75% on an insured money market account when inflation is 2%, you have a negative real return of 0.25%.
In a typical mobile call, for example, the system must locate and identify the subscriber, what type of plan the subscriber USES, how much time or money is in the account, and other information.
Don't just sock away this money under your mattress; put it in a high-interest online savings account, a certificate of deposit or a money market account.
It's not in the interest of schools to have an honest, accurate account of dropouts — not just because a high dropout rate makes a school look bad, but also because there's serious money at stake.
诚实准确的辍学统计, 其实并不符合学校的利益;因为高辍学率,不仅使得学校看上去很恶劣,而且还因为它与经费拨款挂钩。
"Society only measures a person's success in terms of money, status and reputation. Morality is often not taken into account," she said.
Take this example: you put money into a saving account which gives you a poor return rate but you do so because you are "scared" of losing your money.
So if they chose to ride a bike instead of a car, an automatic transfer of the allotted monthly gas money saved goes from a checking account into a savings account.
In addition to the obvious of putting money into a retirement fund or savings account, there are hundreds of ways to save money.
They can take your cash, and (by sending a special kind of text message) credit it to your mobile-money account.
There's nothing particularly exciting about an emergency fund, the six to 12 months worth of living expenses every investor should have stashed away in a money-market or savings account.
By 2012, it predicts, some 1.7 billion people will have a mobile phone but no bank account, and 20% of them will be using mobile money.
Most people judge currencies on a relative basis. This is a very poor measure of the value of a currency since it doesn't take into account the total destruction of paper money in the last 100 years.
The Point was not intended to be a big money-making enterprise, and by one early employee's account, that was fine with most of the staff.
The Point was not intended to be a big money-making enterprise, and by one early employee's account, that was fine with most of the staff.