I'm a huge fan and love a murder mystery with its suspense and surprise endings.
Sometimes its better to just have a ghost, a murder mystery, and a nice cup of tea.
It's the perfect ending for a murder mystery and enormous fun for those who get to play sleuth.
It is also the archetypal setting for a murder mystery, and no one understands why better than James herself.
His second novel is a murder mystery called "Six Suspects" and the BBC has already taken an option on the film rights.
This month, moviegoers get to see the older, wiser, still-stunning Berry play an investigative reporter in Perfect Stranger, a murder mystery costarring Bruce Willis.
Twelve-year-old Mandy and her veterinarian parents find themselves involved in the filming of a murder mystery in their village when the canine star of the film runs away.
You'd rather unwind in front of an action drama, a murder mystery, or even the Playboy channel. But these low-brow flights of fantasy make Sagittarius leave the room in disgust.
Solving a bug — like solving a good murder mystery — often requires construction of a detailed timeline.
解决错误 ——如解开神秘谋杀之谜 ——通常要求构造详细的时间线。
Ayelet Zurer (" Munich ") also is on board the production, playing Langdon's sidekick, a woman who is trying to uncover the mystery of her father's murder.
BJ: Memories of Murder is obviously an unsolved case, and it ends with the fact that you can’t know the killer at the end. It’s a mystery film that ends with a mystery.
That murder was a mystery for a long time, but a clever detective cleared it up.
The teams were brought in two at a time and given 20 minutes to solve an imaginary murder mystery, relying on made-up evidence and detective interviews.
That murder was a mystery in a blue moon, but a clever detective cleared it up.
Even next tos the testimonies! The murder remained a mystery.
It seems to have held a degree of interest for her, as it was also the setting for the last chapter of Sleeping Murder, which was also the last mystery starring Miss Marple.
In Otto Preminger's celebrated mystery, a police detective falls in love with the dead woman whose murder he's investigating.
This blog... is the story of two men and their, frankly, ridiculous adventures. Of murder, mystery and mayhem. But from now on, theres a new story. A bigger adventure.
It can be science fiction, general fiction, trashy romance, murder mystery, historical fiction — but it doesn't matter. Grab the latest release and let your brain take a break.
The prime suspect in this ancient murder mystery is an asteroid or comet impact, which left a vast crater at Chicxulub on the coast of Mexico.
The prime suspect in this ancient murder mystery is an asteroid or comet impact, which left a vast crater at Chicxulub on the coast of Mexico.